
taking Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about taking
″‘Yes, anything that’s lying on the ground,’ said Pippi. A little further on, an old man lay sleeping on the lawn in front of his house. ‘That’s lying on the ground,’ said Pippi, ‘and we’ve found him. We’ll take him!‘”
“One rascally night between midnight and four, Slinky Malinki stole MORE than before.”
“So the Elephant stretched out his trunk and took some crisps for himself and some crisps for the Bad Baby, and they went rumpeta, rumpeta, rumpeta, all down the road, with the ice-cream man, and the pork butcher, and the baker, and the snack-bar man, all running after.”
“When he comes to the sixteenth house, he stops. There on the front step is a big brown box with little holes in it. ‘That’s a nice big brown box with little holes in it,’ says Burglar Bill. ‘I’ll have that.‘”
“You could take a kid’s lunch money and nothing usually happened because most kids wanted peace at any price.”
“The reason of his falling into such a delightful sleep is very simple; and yet hardly any one has found it out. It was merely that the fairies took him.”
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