
box Quotes

22 of the best book quotes about box
“Is he in the box?”
“No one cares about the man in the box, the man who disappears.”
“The box ended up at the back of a closet, shoved behind some old bags and bundles. There it sat, unnoticed, year after year, until its time arrived, and the lock quietly clicked open.
″‘I’m not a box,’ she said ‘I don’t have sides. This is it. One side fits all. This is it.‘”
“If you lived today as if it were your last, you’d buy up a box of rockets and fire them all off, wouldn’t you?”
“Knox in box. Fox in socks.”
“Without wasting any time, Babar goes into a big store. He enters the elevator. It is such fun to ride up and down in this funny box, that he rides all the way up ten times and all the way down ten times.”
“Master Crispin, In this box you will find the only thing you do not have. It’s the very best thing in the whole wide world. -S”
″‘What a great box!’ said the rabbit. ‘Come on, let’s take it,’ said the raccoon. But Crispin didn’t want anyone else to take his box.”
“But right there in his own back garden was the great big box that the fridge came in. Crispin went and peeped inside the empty box... and he saw that it was full.”
″‘My box is ruined,’ Crispin sobbed. ‘Now my friends won’t come over anymore.‘”
“Harry found an old box all grey with dust. He lifted the lid... dinosaurs!”
“Humphrey had a bit of a problem with the stairs... and his box... and because Mop was on top he fell, flop, plop, down the stairs.”
“At breakfast Anthony found a Corvette Sting Ray car kit in his breakfast cereal box and Nick found a Junior Undercover Agent code ring in his breakfast cereal box but in my breakfast cereal box all I found was breakfast cereal.”
“Treehorn liked cereal for breakfast. But mostly he liked cereal boxes. He always read every single thing on the cereal box while he was eating breakfast. And he always sent in for the things the cereal box said he could send for.”
“A very long time ago, he had seen his good friend Old Bear being packed away in a box. Then he was taken up a ladder, through a trap door, and into the attic. The children were being too rough with him and he needed somewhere safe to go for a while.”
“From somewhere quite near he heard a muffled ‘Grrrrr,’ followed by, ‘Did somebody say something?’ Little Bear moved a few things aside and there, propped up against a cardboard box and covered in dust, was Old Bear.”
“Then he sold the wooden box he carried the maple sugar in. Then he sold the barrel he carried the apples in. Then he sold the bag he carried the potatoes in. Then he sold his ox cart.”
“When he comes to the sixteenth house, he stops. There on the front step is a big brown box with little holes in it. ‘That’s a nice big brown box with little holes in it,’ says Burglar Bill. ‘I’ll have that.‘”
“My cat likes to hide in boxes.”
“It was the most curious shop they had ever been in! Fancy keeping all those queer things in boxes! Really, there must be magic about somewhere.”
″‘In my box,’ the old man said, ‘that I carry about with me, I’ve other delights besides my show.‘”

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