
the Duck Quotes

Six of the best book quotes from the Duck
“I bet he’s in the pumpkin patch.” But the Duck was not in the pumpkin patch. They could not find him anywhere. So they waited...All that long afternoon... The Cat watched the door. The Squirrel paced the floor. “The Duck will be sorry when he comes home,” they muttered. But the Duck didn’t come home. Not even at soup time.
“I’m not staying here,” wailed the Duck. ” You never let me help with anything.” And he packed up a wheelbarrow, put on his his hat, and waddled away. “You’ll be back,” stormed the Cat, “after we’ve cleaned up” And the Squirrel shook his spoon in the air. But the Duck didn’t come back. Not for breakfast. Not even for lunch. “I’ll find him”, scoffed the Cat. “He’ll be hiding outside.”
But one morning the Duck woke up early. He tiptoed into the kitchen and smiled at the Squirrel’s special spoon. “Wouldn’t it be fine,” he murmured, “If I could be the Head Cook.” He drew up a stool, hopped on top, and reached... until his beak just touched the tip of the spoon...Down it clattered. Then the Duck trotted back to the bedroom, help up the spoon, and said, “Today it’s my turn to stir the soup.”
‘You mean the duck’s right in there?’ said the General. ‘Yes, sir, ’ said the Gunner. ‘I put my hand in but I couldn’t reach it.’ The General looked down the gun and saw two small eyes looking back at him.”
‘There is something you can do, sir,’ said one of the men. ‘You can fire it with the duck inside.’ ‘No, no, no,’ said the General. ‘We’ll think of something else. I know, we’ll borrow a gun.”
“Neither think the other is right about anything, and each clearly has a blind spot about the other’s way of life.”
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