
timidity Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about timidity
Timidity is dangerous: Better to enter with boldness. Any mistakes you commit through audacity are easily corrected with more audacity. Everyone admires the bold; no one honors the timid.
“Any Christian who blindly accepts the opinions of the majority and in fear and timidity follows a path of expediency and social approval is a mental and spiritual slave.”
“Any Christian who blindly accepts the opinions of the majority and in fear and timidity follows a path of expediency and social approval is a mental and spiritual slave.”
“For someone like myself in whom the ability to trust others is so cracked and broken that I am wretchedly timid and am forever trying to read the expression on people’s faces.”
“Why bother with driving lessons, her mother said, anyone as pretty as you can always find a handsome young man to chauffeur you. She should have insisted. She should have said no just one to her mother, just once. It was too late now.”
“Master Lan approached the dragon timidly. He held the lamp in one hand and a bamboo stick in the other, ready to defend himself. His work silk slipper squelched in the dragon droppings. The beast roared again, a sound that made the girl want to curl up in a ball and weep.”
“After The Souls had won the Epiphany Middle School championship, Dr. Roy Clayton Rohmer paid a visit to Mrs Olinski and asked -guess what?- why she had chosen the team. She still did not know (and wouldn’t until after it was all over), but by that time the success of the Souls (even if she did not yet know that they were The Souls) had made Mrs. Olinski less timid.”
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