
schooling Quotes

22 of the best book quotes about schooling
This book written in rhyme is hilarious, witty and just plain entertaining. Honor Brown with her wild, vivid imagination paints the worst scenario of going to school ever. She insists that the water tray is full of killer sharks, food poisoning is on the horizon, beatings are the norm and even her friends are monstrous. Such a drama queen extraodinaire!
This is a really fun, playful poetry book and I can see why children would like it. Honor Brown tells of school in a very imaginative, negative way which is actually really funny.
It’s not easy to concentrate at school when mysterious things are happening all around you. In fact, Clarice Bean is starting to feel just like her favorite heroine: Ruby Redfort, schoolgirl detective.
“Simon Martin & his 4C classmates are a class with problems and are perceived as too stupid to participate in the difficult projects for the science fair....more’s the pity for them as the thought of blowing things up is something this group relish.”
“After The Souls had won the Epiphany Middle School championship, Dr. Roy Clayton Rohmer paid a visit to Mrs Olinski and asked -guess what?- why she had chosen the team. She still did not know (and wouldn’t until after it was all over), but by that time the success of the Souls (even if she did not yet know that they were The Souls) had made Mrs. Olinski less timid.”
“On the other hand, he’d got into terrible trouble for being found on the roof of the school kitchens. Dudley’s gang had been chasing him as usual when, as much to Harry’s surprise as anyone else’s, there he was sitting in the chimney. The Dursleys had received a very angry letter from Harry’s headmistress telling them Harry had been climbing school buildings.”
“So my final school year began. I had promised myself that I would be a saint for this year alone. I would make the greatest impression on my teachers and become the model student. I knew it would all fail. But just not on the first day. Sister Gregory walked toward me, and when she was so close that I could see her mustache, she held out her hand. ‘Show me what you’re reading.’ ”
“Please Mrs Butler This boy Derek Drew Keeps copying my work, Miss. What shall I do? Go and sit in the hall, dear. Got and sit in the sink. Take your books on the roof, my lamb. Do whatever you think”
“In the last week of the holidays. I was feeling glum. I could hardly wait for school to start; neither could mum. Now we’ve been back a week, I could do with a breather. I can hardly wait for the holidays; Teacher can’t either.”
“There is a fish tank in our class which no fish in it. A guinea-pig cage with no guinea-pig in it; A formicarium with no ants in it; and according to Miss Hodge some of our head are empty too.”
“I’ve writ on the wrong page, Miss. My pencil went all blunt. My book was upside-down, Miss. My book was back to front. My margin’s gone all crooked, Miss. I’ve smudged mine with my scarf. I’ve rubbed a hole in the paper, Miss. My ruler’s broke in half.”
“My work’s blew out the window, Miss. My work’s fell in the bin. The leg’s dropped off my chair, Miss. The ceiling’s coming in. I’ve ate a poison apple, Miss. I’ve held a poison pen! I think I’m being kidnapped, Miss! So . . . can we start again?”
“When you want to change places or wander about, or feel like getting the guinea-pig out, Never forget, the message is this: ‘Our teacher always lets us, Miss!‘” Then, when your teacher returns next day and complains about the paint or clay, remember these words, you just say this: ‘That other teacher told us to, Miss!‘”
“Wednesday, January 28th. Last Quarter. I woke up with a bit of a cold this morning. I asked my mother for a note to excuse me from games. She said she refused to namby-pamby me a day longer! How would she like to run about on a muddy field in the freezing drizzle, dressed only in PE shorts and a singlet?”
Solomon doesn’t have it easy. He’s dyslexic, and his struggles at school are made worse by a bully of a teacher. Life at home isn’t easy either.
Forced to go to school in a frilly pink dress, Bill discovers one of the worst days in his life is about to begin. Baffled by the way things are just different for girls, Bill falls headlong into trouble.
“Why hadn’t he had a chance, Johnny wondered bitterly. Other men came from the farms. Other men had some schooling. What was so different about Nelson?”
Annie lives with her elderly parents in a remote cottage. She is used to being alone. Every day she walks by the lonely marsh to school. Only in winter, when the wind howls in the trees, is Annie ever afraid.
“Dinah is enrolled at the same school and quickly comes to understand that something is not quite right; all of the children are prim, proper, and utterly perfect.”
“On Dinah’s first day at school she senses something is wrong. The kids work even during playtime, and are neat and behave well but what is the secret of the Headmaster’s control over them, and why are they afraid?”
“The Chalet School is founded in 1925 by Madge Bettany when her brother has to return to his job in the Forestry Commission in India. ”
“She comes to the conclusion that starting a school would be a convenient way to generate some much-needed income, while also looking after her infirm younger sister Joey.”

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the worstHonor Brownwildinsistingplain entertainingwittyhilariousrhymesfunplayfulpoetry bookchildrenfamilyfantasyrealityimaginativenegative wayconcentrateeasyreal lifefamily lifemysteriousall-aroundClarice Beanfavorite heroineschoolgirl detectiveSimon Martinclassmatesclass with problemsevery day schooldifficult projectsschool science fairblowing things upThe SoulschampionshipRoy Clayton Rohmerpaid a visitchosen the teamthe successtimiditybeing foundterrible troubleHarryDursleysmysterious situationsHarry's surpriseschool activitiesfinal school yearpromise myselfbe a saintyearsgreatestgreatest impressionteachersmodel studentSister Gregoryteenager relationshipsyouth fictionrelationshipsDerek DrewMrs Buttlercrazy ideassit in the hallsit in the sinkbooksa breatherbeen back a weekwait for schoolstudentsfeeling glumholidayslast weekschool environmentfish tankfishguinea-pigguinea-pig cageformicariumantsMiss Hodgewrong pagepencil went bluntbook upside-downbook back to frontmarginsall crookedwrittendemandingwork blew out of windowleg dropped off my chairpoison applepoison penbeing kidnappedto forgetcomplainingchange placeswander aboutthe guinea-pit outWednesdayquarterwoke upbit of a coldaskingevery day lifemothersfamily relationshipsgamesrefusinghome lifeSolomonsevere dyslexiastrugglesbullyingto forcefrilly pink dressbillsBillworst dayshis lifeto beginNelsonMiss Nelsonto wonderfarmsfiction bookbitterlylonelyAnnieelderly parentsbeing aloneeveryday lifewinterafraidto be enrolledthe wonder-yearscome to understandyoungDinahchildren-fantasyMadge Bettanyfoundedschool-storiesfictionstarting a schoolneeded income
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