
to dry Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about to dry
“When the beautiful Princess Alicia consents to partake of the salmon- as I think she will- you will find she will leave a fish-bone on her plate. Tell her to dry it, and to rub it, and to polish it till it shines like mother-of-pearl, and to take care of it as a present from me.”
“So she took out of her pocket the magic fish-bone that had been dried and rubbed and polished till it shone like mother-of-pearl; and gave it one little kiss and wished it was quarter day.”
“You have to eat your oatmeal or you’ll dry up Anybody knows that Nanny likes her coffee hot hot hot An egg cup makes a very good hat”
“Borka did try to learn to swim, but whenever she went in to the water, her jersey took such a long time to dry afterwards that she soon gave up.”
“They were all rather big pearls, but no one really minds a pearl being big, and soon the pearl-divers had a pile of wet and shining jewels by the water-side. The worst of it was that as soon as the stones were dry- and they dried quickly in the sun- they stopped shining, and could not be counted as pearls anymore.”
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