
eggs Quotes

23 of the best book quotes about eggs
“This birthday Pettson went to the hen house to collect a basket of eggs. Then he sat on the bench outside the kitchen and polished them. Pettson was a tidy man and he wanted them all clean and shiny.”
“Mog had a medal. She also had an egg every day for breakfast. “
“A policeman came and they told him what happened. The policeman looked at Mog. He said, ‘What a remarkable cat. I’ve seen watch-dogs, but never a watch-cat. She will get a medal’. Debbie said, ‘I think she’d rather have an egg’.”
“There have been many days when Papi’s check comes late and we have to count how many eggs we have left or how long the meat will stretch. I don’t want Tía and me to always live this way. I will make it. I will make it. I will make it easier for us both.”
“Ah, now that would be greedy of me, wouldn’t it? All things considered, though, I’d be heartily embarrassed if Sebell- my Journeyman is to have possession of the other egg- secured a queen instead.”
“Gawain made Derek his assistant, and got to work at once on his first project- a new opera house, for which he decided to use his favorite form, the egg.”
″ ‘But there are other kinds of eggs. There are sunny-side-up and sunny-side-down eggs.’ ‘Yes’, said Frances. ‘But sunny-side-up eggs lie on the plate and look up at you in a funny way. And sunny-side-down eggs just lie on their stomachs and wait’. ”
″ ‘What a lovely egg,’ said Father. ‘If there is one thing I am fond of for breakfast, it is a soft-boiled egg.’ ‘Yes’, said Mother, spooning up egg for the baby, ‘it is just the thing to start the day off right’. ”
“She sang the song very softly: ‘I do not like the way you slide, I do not like your soft inside, I do not like you lots of ways, And I could do for many days without eggs’ ”
“He took a bite of sandwich,a bite of pickle, a bite of hardboiled egg, and a drink of milk. Then he sprinkled more salt on the egg and went around again. Albert made the sandwich, the pickle, the gg, and the milk come out even.”
“You have to eat your oatmeal or you’ll dry up Anybody knows that Nanny likes her coffee hot hot hot An egg cup makes a very good hat”
“Her table was usually set with only white and black- milk and dark bread, of which there was no shortage- and sometimes there was broiled bacon and an egg or two-”
“Priscilla Lapham. Ever since Rab had taken her home and left Johnny to eat six fried eggs by himself, he had felt differently about Cilla. She had been his best friend during the years he worked at the Laphams’. And then for some months she had been a drag on him. He had not bothered much with her. Overnight that had changed. He was always looking forward to Thursdays and the seed cakes and the half-hour sitting out under the fruit trees with Cilla.”
‘I want to help,’ says Dusty, as he drops two eggs into the bowl. The third one cracks in his hand. ‘Oh boy, what a mess,’ says Grandpa. ‘There will be eggshells in the pancakes. ‘ll have to take them out’.
‘I want to help,’ says Dusty. ‘Not with the eggs,’ says Grandpa. ‘Not with the eggs,’ days Dusty. Grandpa hurries to add the flour, milk, and new eggs - without the shells.”
“All right,′ says Grandpa. ‘I’m just about to make some pancakes.’ ‘I want to help,’ cries Dusty, running into the kitchen. He pushes a chair over to Grandpa and climbs up. He finds three eggs.”
″‘I want to help,’ says Dusty, as he drops two eggs into the bowl. The third one cracks in his hand. ‘Oh boy, what a mess.’ says Grandpa. ‘There will be eggshells in the pancakes, I will have to take them out.‘”
“He pushes a chair over to Grandpa and climbs up. He finds three eggs. ‘Hold it,’ says Grandpa. ‘The eggs are supposed to go into the bowl. ”
“Trowel for Farver, eggs for Muvver, string for Grandpa, red wool for Grandma, chicken-feed for Uncle, needles for Aunty, and I do hope there won’t be anything more!”
Singing Of speckled eggs the birdie sings And nests among the trees; The sailor sings of ropes and things In ships upon the seas. The children sing in far Japan, The children sing in Spain; The organ with the organ man Is singing in the rain.
“He said he loved eggs and ducklings; he should be proud to see a fine nestful in his wood-shed.”
“I wish to hatch my own eggs; I will hatch them all by myself.”
“Jemima Puddle-duck was escorted home in tears on account of those eggs.”

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