Book Series

Super You! Books

In order from Power of Flight to Power of Invisibility
Power of Flight
Power of Invisibility
Power of Flight
Power of Flight
Power of Invisibility
chapter • 272 Pages
Power of Flight
Book #1

Power of Flight

Written by Andrea Menotti and Hena Khan & illustrated by Yancey Labat
8 - 12
Reading age
Page count
May 3, 2022
Publication date


Are you a hero or a villain? Pick your path in Super You!, this action-packed, illustrated origin story where the reader - yes, that means YOU! - gets the power of flight and must decide, choice by choice, whether to use their abilities for good or evil. You thought you were in for an ordinary summer at science camp - that is, until you sneak into an off-limits area of the Center for Avian Science, get your hand scratched by a weird bird, and suddenly gain the power of flight! Now it’s up to you to decide how to use the power: Will you fly out at night to save the day? Will you team up with the villainous Dr. Zeus, who bred the mutant bird and wants to take over the world with its powers? Or will you make the wrong choice and meet an ill-fated end? Follow the choices, pick your path, and fly toward your fate. This looks like a job for Super You!

Super You! Series

Published from 2022 - 2023
2 books
chapter • 272 Pages
Power of Flight
chapter • 288 Pages
Power of Invisibility
2022Power of FlightAndrea Menotti, Hena Khan272
2023Power of InvisibilityAndrea Menotti, Hena Khan288

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