
A Bear Called Paddington Quotes

12 of the best book quotes from A Bear Called Paddington
“It’s nice having a bear about the house.”
“I’m not a criminal,” said Paddington, hotly. “I’m a bear!”
″ ‘I only had it on special occasions at home. Marmalade’s very expensive in Darkest Peru.’ ‘Then you shall have it every morning starting tomorrow,’ continued Mrs. Brown. ‘And honey on Sunday.’ ”
“It’s a very important name – I don’t expect there are many bears in the world called Paddington!”
“I’ll never be like other people, but that’s alright because I’m a bear”
″ ‘I’m glad I emigrated,’ said Paddington, as he reached out a paw and pulled the plate nearer. ‘Do you think anyone would mind if I stood on the table to eat?’ ”
“Before Mr. Brown could answer he had climbed up and placed his right paw firmly on the bun. It was a very large bun, the biggest and stickiest Mr. Brown had been able to find, and in a matter of moments most of the inside found its way on to Paddington’s whiskers. People started to nudge each other and began staring in their direction. Mr. Brown wished he had chosen a plain, ordinary bun, but he wasn’t very experienced in the way of bears. He stirred his tea and looked out of the window, pretending he had tea with a bear on Paddington station every day of his life.”
The bear puffed out its chest. “I’m a very rare sort of bear,” he replied importantly. “There aren’t many of us left where I come from.”
“Things are always happening to me. I’m that sort of bear.”
“Please look after this bear. Thank you.”
“A wise bear always keeps a marmalade sandwich in his hat in case of emergency.”
″ ‘Oh dear,’ said Mrs Brown.‘We really shall have to give him a bath as soon as we get indoors. It’s getting everywhere.’ Paddington looked thoughtful. It wasn’t so much that he didn’t like baths; he really didn’t mind being covered with jam and cream. It seemed a pity to wash it all off quite so soon.
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