
abusive relationships Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about abusive relationships
″‘I told him you were ready to be part of this family.’ ‘I’m ‘already’ part of this family. I’m like a charter member.‘”
“But when Eleanor walked in the house, it was like her siblings didn’t recognize her.”
“I’m not going to sit here and listen to you tell me that it’s okay for August to hit her because she’s his wife. Or that it’s not his fault because he’s insane. If he’s insane, that’s all the more reason she should stay away.”
“When they buried mama, they threw dirt on the last person who’s going to exploit me.”
“We can only speculate why, but physically abusive parents seem to share certain characteristics. First, they have an appalling lack of impulse control.”
“We have all been guilty of making jokes at someone else’s expense. Most of the time, such jokes can be relatively harmless. But, as in other forms of toxic parenting, it is the frequency, the cruelty, and the source of these jokes that make them abusive.”
“Every time he came back, apologetic, contrite, he’d start off being real nice. But he was as predictable as rain. Nobody knew when he’d go off, but at some point everybody knew he would. Again, and again, and again.”
“Dad stands for a minute, swaying, and puts the penny back in his pocket. He turns toward Mam and she says, You’re not sleeping in this bed tonight. He makes his way downstairs with the candle, sleeps on a chair, misses work in the morning, loses the job at the cement factory, and we’re back on the dole again.”
“As his loneliness grows more intense, he enters an abusive relationship with fashion executive Caleb, who is disgusted by Jude’s limp and his increasing use of a wheelchair. Jude finally breaks off the relationship after Caleb rapes him.”
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