
Akela Quotes

13 of the best book quotes from Akela
“Ye know the Law—ye know the Law. Look well, O Wolves!”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 53
“The cub is mine. Give him to me. What have the Free People to do with a man’s cub?”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 55
“Men and their cubs are very wise.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 71
“for the time will come when this naked thing will make thee roar to another tune, or I know nothing of man.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 70
“He may be a help in time.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 71
“Take him away,” he said to Father Wolf, “and train him as befits one of the Free People.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 75
“Silence, thou man’s cub!”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 127
“Free People, and ye too, jackals of Shere Khan, for twelve seasons I have led ye to and from the kill, and in all that time not one has been trapped or maimed. Now I have missed my kill. Ye know how that plot was made. Ye know how ye brought me up to an untried buck to make my weakness known. It was cleverly done. Your right is to kill me here on the Council Rock, now. Therefore, I ask, who comes to make an end of the Lone Wolf? For it is my right, by the Law of the Jungle, that ye come one by one.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 129
“He has eaten our food. He has slept with us. He has driven game for us. He has broken no word of the Law of the Jungle.”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 133
“He is our brother in all but blood,”
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 138
Some of ye are eaters of cattle, and of others I have heard that, under Shere Khan″s teaching, ye go by dark night and snatch children from the villager″s doorstep.
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 138
I promise that if ye let the man-cub go to his own place, I will not, when my time comes to die, bare one tooth against ye.
Source: Chapter 1, Paragraph 138
“It is in my head that, if bullets mean anything, they would cast thee out.”
Source: Chapter 5, Paragraph 99
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