
Alexander Ramsay Quotes

Six of the best book quotes from Alexander Ramsay
“The Drake, struck by lightning, seemed almost cut in half! They were sinking! Strange, with what seemed the end so near, he should feel so calm.”
“A knife, Alec, comes in handy sometimes.”
“Alec glanced down proudly at the hard muscles in his arms. Uncle Ralph had taught him how to ride- the one thing in the world he had always wanted to do.”
“The Black was looking out on the open sea; his ears pricked forward, his thin-skinned nostrils quivering, his black mane flowing like windswept flame. Alec could not turn his eyes away; he could not believe such a perfect creature existed.”
“Alec felt a deep pity steal over him, for here was a wild stallion used to the open range imprisoned in a stall in which he was hardly able to turn.”
“It had been fun-those two months in India. He would miss Uncle Ralph, miss the days they had spent together in the jungle, even the screams of the panthers and the many eerie sounds of the jungle night. Never again would he think of a missionary’s work as easy work.”
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