
appetites Quotes

Eight of the best book quotes about appetites
“His appetite for the marvelous, and his powers of digesting it, were equally extraordinary.”
“Ensnared In nooses of a hundred idle hopes, Slaves to their passion and their wrath, they buy Wealth with base deeds, to glut hot appetites.”
“Most men and women lead lives at the worst so painful, at the best so monotonous, poor and limited that the urge to escape, the longing to transcend themselves if only for a few moments, is and has always been one of the principal appetites of the soul.”
“Even cows know when they should go home and leave behind the fields, but an unwise man does not know the measure of his own appetite.”
“She knew that the game serves only to sharpen the appetite for the feast to follow. It is his meal or mine, thought Mowzer, as she looked at the floundering fish in the belly of the boat. Blue, green and silver, they glistened in the greyness. It made her mouth water to look at them.”
“Finally, the lessons of impermanence taught me this: loss constitutes an odd kind of fullness; despair empties out into an unquenchable appetite for life.”
″ ‘Our wishes were all used up...besides, Jane, two ice-cream cones would ruin your appetite. When we get home we’re going to have clam chowder for lunch!’ ”
″’s much easier to be polite when you aren’t hungry.”
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