
bad influences Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about bad influences
“I don’t know where you picked up that slacker attitude, but you certainly didn’t learn it at home. Probably from the bad influences up here.”
“The majority of people who fail to accumulate money sufficient for their needs, are, generally, easily influenced by the ‘opinions’ of others.”
“The reason we’re such fertile ground for the dark forces of such lies and social manipulation is that we’re dissociated from the genuine light of self-awareness.”
“There is a demand for whisky, but I think you and I do not care to sell it. If the respectable people knew what harm they did, they would not feel that the living was honest. They haf no right to put poison in the sugarplum, and let the small ones eat it.”
Source: Chapter 35, Line 57
“She can’t teach her mischief; she might teach it to some children, but evil rolls off Eva’s mind like dew off a cabbage-leaf,—not a drop sinks in.”
Source: Chapter 20, Paragraph 139
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