
Dad Quotes

22 of the best book quotes from Dad
“Deprived of Victim, Mom and Dad holler at each other. I turn up the music to drown out the noise.”
“I don’t know where you picked up that slacker attitude, but you certainly didn’t learn it at home. Probably from the bad influences up here.”
“He looked exactly like a rat. Like the human being version of a rat […] Who knew what her mom saw in him; Eleanor’s dad was messed-up looking, too.”
“‘When you feel homesick,’ he said, ‘just look up. Because the moon is the same wherever you go.’”
“‘Dive for dreams,’ he used to say, quoting the e. e. cummings poem. ‘And live by love.’”
“‘Sailing,’ he liked to joke, ‘is the fine art of getting wet and becoming ill, while going nowhere slowly at great expense.’”
″... she knew that nothing could hurt her while Pa and Jack were there.”
“SAD DAD BAD HAD Dad is sad. Very, very sad. He had a bad day. What a day Dad had! ”
“Clarice’s extraordinarily ordinary family is under pressure. Dad keeps muttering about how “there might be a reshuffle going on at work”, while mum spends her life “gribbling about pants on the floor and shoes on the sofa”. And as for her brother, Minal Cricket, he “tends to be utterly a nuisance”.”
“When we picked up my dad at his office he said that I couldn’t play with his copying machine, but I forgot. He also said to watch out for the books on his desk, and I was careful as could be except for my elbow. He also said don’t fool around with his phone, but I think I called Australia. My dad said please don’t pick him up anymore. ”
‘It’s not polite to count nits,’ said his younger brother, Perfect Peter, wiping his mouth with his spotless napkin. ‘Is it, Mum?’ ‘It certainly isn’t,’ said Mum. Dad dragged the nit comb across his head and made a face. ‘Ugjj,’ said Dad. Mum dragged the comb through her hair, ‘Bleccch,’ said Mum. Mum combed Perfect Peter’s hair. Then she did it again. And again. And again. ‘No nits, Peter,’ said Mum, smiling. ‘As usual. Well done, darling.’ ‘It’s because I wash and comb my hair every night,’ said Peter.”
“After breakfast, Sam and Dad, went upstairs to wash their hands. Then from the bathroom window Dad caught sight of a glint of silver and red. ‘Look!! There goes your balloon,’ he said. ‘It must have blown out of the back door!”
“yes,′ said Dad. ‘Then it will fly high, high, high over the snow-decorated mountains where golden eagles nest; high, high over the sparkling blue-green sea where silver fish leap from the waves.”
‘That’s right,’ said Dad. ‘And then, tired after its long journey, it will see down below the long blue ribbon of the river, it will see the small gold and emerald jewel of the island; it will see the little brown house built of baked mud.”
’Don’t cry, ’ said Dad. ‘Across the mountains is the sea, and across the sea is the desert, and across the desert, a river, and in the river, and island.’
“I sat down at my place around the table y looked away from Mum. Dad wasn’t bothered about me -or anything else, for that matter. He was totally focused on his food. Jude, my seventeen-year-old brother, grinned knowingly at me. He’s a really irritating toad. I looked away from him as well. ‘He was with his dagger friend’ Jude smirked. ”
“Just think of it as a Grand Adventure!”
“While Dad often made wisecracks about his origins, he always promised that one day the four of us would visit Australia, maybe even stay for a while.”
It starts as a realistic novel, describing the desolate situation of a boy trying to cope with severe dyslexia. But the author adds too many problems. His mom has left, his dad is an unreliable alcoholic, his teacher an unbelievably one-dimensional bully.
Solomon’s mum walked out a while ago and his Dad is often out of work and tends to go on benders. Solomon has one refuge - the local graveyard. But then workmen come to remove an old rowan tree.
The mom is trying to be a stand up comedian which is different. Would have been nice to have Dad in the picture a little more. He mostly gets talked about, but then calls the household near the end of the book.
“Dad had heard about somebody riding a bike down the Kvarngatan steps. So, it was you, was it! He clapped Johnny on the back and said it was lucky Johnny wasn’t one of his kids, or he’d have had something to say about it. Johnny didn’t look specially worried.”

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