
Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown Quotes

10 of the best book quotes from Betsy and Tacy Go Downtown
“Betsy, Tacy, and Tib are twelve—old enough to do lots of things...even go downtown on their own. ”
“There they see their first horseless carriage, discover the joys of the public library, and see a real play at the Opera House. ”
“They even find themselves acting in one! Best of all, they help a lonely new friend feel at home in Deep Valley—the most wonderful place in the world to grow up.”
“Betsy was sitting in the backyard maple, high among spreading branches that were clothed in rich green except at their tips where they wore the first gold of September. ”
“Three branches forked to make a seat, one of them even providing a prop for her back. To her right, within easy reach, was another smaller crotch into which a cigar box had been nailed. This was closed and showed on the cover a plump coquettish lady wearing a Spanish shawl.”
“From this lofty retreat Betsy had a splendid view. It did not look toward the Big Hill where she and her friends Tacy and Tib had had so many adventurous picnics.”
“Sitting in her maple, she was aware of the town, spread out below, of Front Street where the stores were, of streets lined with the houses of people she did not know, of the Opera House, the Melborn Hotel, the skeleton of the new Carnegie Library, and the High School that her sister Julia and Tacy’s sister Katie now attended.”
“Lifting the lid of the cigar box, Betsy took out a small tablet. It said on the cover, “Ray’s Shoe Store. Wear Queen Quality Shoes.” She took out a pencil, short and well tooth-marked, and chewed it thoughtfully.”
“She had progressed no further when a scratching sound caused her to look down. A red ringleted head was rising toward her. ”
“The visitor was Tacy who lived across the street and had been her dear friend for many years. Seven, to be exact, for Betsy and Tacy had started to be friends at Betsy’s fifth birthday party, and now they were both twelve.”
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