
bullies Quotes

12 of the best book quotes about bullies
“One should never ignore bullies. One should stop them.”
“Bullies were scared people hiding inside scary people.”
“When Conor started having that nightmare, that’s when Harry noticed him, like a secret mark had been placed on him that only Harry could see.”
″ ‘Conor O’Malley,’ he said, his voice growing poisonous now. ‘Who everyone’s sorry for because of his mum. Who swans around school acting like he’s so different, like no one knows his suffering.’ ”
“It wouldn’t do any good to tell him that she hadn’t been that girl at her old school. Yeah, she’d been made fun of before. There were always mean boys—and there were always, always mean girls—but she’d had friends at her old school.”
“It always makes me want to grab him by the shirt and push him until he lets the girl go. But instead, every time, I pretend not to notice. What could I do anyway?”
“You can’t let buffoons rule your life.”
″‘I don’t think you have particularly good manners with ladies,’ said Pippi. Then she lifted him high into the air with her strong arms. She carried him into a nearby birch tree, and hung him across a branch.”
″‘I will overlook your tardiness this one time. But do not let it happen again.’ Everybody knew the big boys would be tardy again. Mr. Corse could not punish them because they could thrash him, and that was what the meant to do.”
This is a touching narrative about a family whose surname is “Silk”. In that family, the little boy in the family, Griffin Silk, has troubles at school with bullies until a girl named Layla comes along. Then, he finds out his baby sister being born, and he is named “Tishkin Silk”, hence the name of this story.
“If you sniggered too loud, Bowdon might notice you. If you didn’t snigger at all, he’d certainly notice. Simon Wood didn’t snigger. Bowdon noticed.”
“Byron was the only person in the world who could make you feel sorry for someone as mean as Larry Dunn.”
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