
christened Quotes

Four of the best book quotes about christened
“Ordinary Jack, that’s me. It’s what they should’ve christened me- Ordinary Jack Matthew Bagthorpe- with an e.”
″ ‘I know a number of funy things,’ says th lady. ‘I have been at some people’s christenings, and turned away from other folks’ doors. I have seen some people spoilt by good fortune, and others, as I hope, improved by hardship. I advise you to stay at the town where the coach stops for the night. Stay there and study, and remember your old friend to whom you were kind.′ ”
“Mrs Koala had not thought of a name for her baby. Now, she thought it quite time he was christened, so one day she talked the matter over with his father. ‘Shall we call him ‘Walter’ or ‘Bluegum?’ she inquired. ‘No,’ grunted Mr Koala. ‘Let’s call hum ‘Blinky Bill.’ So Blinky Bill he became from that moment.”
“Angelina, who seldom uttered a sound, purred with pleasure when she was asked to be godmother, and hurried home to make a present for the christening.”
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