
kind Quotes

39 of the best book quotes about kind
I know my sister like I know my own mind, you will never find anyone as trusting or as kind.
“He had his back to her, but she knew, just on seeing him, that his eyes, when he turned around, would be her father’s kind gray eyes, and she crept over and kissed him on the back of his balding head.”
“When seeking guidance, don’t ever listen to the tiny-hearted. Be kind to them, heap them with blessing, cajole them, but do not follow their advice.”
“I was taught never to take advantage of anyone who was less fortunate than myself, whether he be less fortunate in brains, wealth, or social position; it meant anybody, not just Negroes.”
“Rome, be as just and gracious unto me As I am confident and kind to thee.”
“In school, we learned about the world before ours, about the angels and gods that lived in the sky, ruling the earth with kind and loving hands. Some say those are just stories, but I don’t believe that. The gods rule us still. They have come down from the stars. And they are no longer kind.”
“Because I could not stop for Death He kindly stopped for me”
“Maybe her gods are kinder than ours, and she will find rest”
“Once a person knows a kiss and a kind word, you can’t blame him for never wanting to live without them again.”
“Choose to be kind over being right and you’ll be right every time.”
“Dee Dee ordered another round of drinks. ‘Why can’t you be decent to people?’ she asked. ‘Fear,’ I said.”
Sutra 2.31: ete jâti-desa-kâla-samayânavacchinnâh sârva-bhaumâ mahâvratam Translation: These codes of self-regulation become a powerful standard to live by when they can be practiced unconditionally.
“Poor Henry was so surprised he almost fell over! That kind man his grandfather.”
This story also has one of the most beautiful messages - how kindness can be life changing and how being kind can give a life purpose.
“Hop aboard! And I think that you’ll find that the moose won’t object. He’s the big-hearted kind!”
“This bird is sort of a pest! But I’m a good sport, so I’ll just let him rest. For a host, above all, must be nice to his guests.”
“Being kind to yourself is one of the greatest kindnesses,′ said the mole.”
″‘What do you want to be when you grow up?’ ‘Kind,’ said the boy.”
“Lyle is the bravest, kindest, most wonderful crocodile in the whole, wide world. I would consider it a privilege and a pleasure to have him as out neighbor once more.”
“Brr”, said Percy. “I think I will need an extra blanket tonight.” He made himself some hot cocoa and got ready for bed. Suddenly, Percy heard a tapping sound. There was somebody at the door.”
“Mother used to say that it meant Christopher was a nice name because it was a story about being kind and helpful, but I do not want my name to mean a story about being kind and helpful. I want my name to mean me.”
“As she listened to his wailing, Mowzer felt a sudden strange sadness for him. How lonely he must be, she thought, endlessly hunting the men-mice in the deeps of darkness, and never returning to the rosy glow of a red-hot range. And her kind heart was moved to comfort him.”
“Clear is kind. Unclear is unkind.”
“Somewhere in this world is a man who loves you, who understands how precious and clever and kind you are. A man who has always loved you and, to his detriment, suspects he always will.”
“I am blessed. I am prosperous. I am successful.” “I am victorious. I am talented. I am creative.” “I am wise. I am healthy. I am in shape.” “I am energetic. I am happy. I am positive.” “I am passionate. I am strong. I am confident.” “I am secure. I am beautiful. I am attractive.” “I am valuable. I am free. I am redeemed.” “I am forgiven. I am anointed. I am accepted.” “I am approved. I am prepared. I am qualified.” “I am motivated. I am focused. I am disciplined.” “I am determined. I am patient. I am kind.” “I am generous. I am excellent. I am equipped.” “I am empowered. I am well able.” “I am a child of the Most High God.”
″ ‘Because everyone talks about how kind you are, and they praise everything you do,’ Manyara replied. ‘I’m certain that Father loves you best. But when I am queen, everyone will know that our silly kindness is only weakness.’ ”
″ ‘But there are other kinds of eggs. There are sunny-side-up and sunny-side-down eggs.’ ‘Yes’, said Frances. ‘But sunny-side-up eggs lie on the plate and look up at you in a funny way. And sunny-side-down eggs just lie on their stomachs and wait’. ”
“There were two kinds of children who went to kindergarten - those who lined up beside the door before school, as they were supposed to, and those who ran around the playground and scrambled to get in line when they saw Miss Brinney approaching. Ramona ran around the playground.”
“He worked hard - he knew now that he wasn’t as clever as he had thought. Besides, Sir Topham Hatt had been kind to him, and he wanted to learn all about freight cars so he could be a Really Useful Engine.”
“The old woman had only pretended to be so kind; she was in reality, a wicked witch, who lay in wait for children, and had only built the little house of bread in order to entice them there.”
“But it so happened that Nature had given to the youngest sons gifts that she had not bestowed upon his elder brothers. He had a beautiful face and fine, strong, graceful figure; he had a bright smile a sweet, gay voice; he was brave and generous, and had the kindest heart in the world, and seemed to have the power to make everyone love him.”
“He’s my relation, and of course you have to like your relations; and besides, he’s been very kind to me. When a person does so many things for you, and wants you to have everything you wish for, of course you’d like him if he wasn’t your relation; but when he’s your relation and does that, why, you’re very fond of him.”
“You is kind. You is smart. You is important.”
“Whenever mice are spoken of, never let it be said that Tucker Mouse was stingy with his worldly goods.”
“But my sister hadn’t meant to be naughty. She thought she had given the book-little-boy her own supper, and you know she was quite a greedy child, so it was a kind thing to do really.”
″ their rough, kind way they had tried to keep their burdens of living from bearing also on his young shoulders. Though his brain told him these things, his heart still cried for Lassie.”
″ ‘I know a number of funy things,’ says th lady. ‘I have been at some people’s christenings, and turned away from other folks’ doors. I have seen some people spoilt by good fortune, and others, as I hope, improved by hardship. I advise you to stay at the town where the coach stops for the night. Stay there and study, and remember your old friend to whom you were kind.′ ”
″ ‘And now, Tom, my boy,’ said the Squire, ‘remember you are going, at your own earnest request, to be chucked into this great school, like a young bear, with all your troubles before you -earlier than we should have sent you perhaps. If schools are what they were in my time, you’ll see a great many cruel blackguard things done, and hear a deal of foul, bad talk. But never fear. You tell the truth, keep a brave and kind heart, and never listen to or say anything you wouldn’t have your mother and sister hear, and you’ll never feel ashamed to come home, or we to see you.’ ”
“Most grandmothers are lovely, kind, helpful old ladies, but not this one.”

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