
town Quotes

16 of the best book quotes about town
But when the confused and curious boy discovers that a mysterious virus is spreading through town, he decides to enter an otherworldly house to stop it.
Jamela’s dress is an adorable story that follows an African girl as she wears her mother’s expensive fabric and parades throughout the town. The artwork is fairly realistic and lends a style to the book that flows from page to page.
“Now on Sundays, after the week’s work is finished, Captain Lightning, Madam Thunderbolt and Max ride high in the warm air over the town.”
“he rushed out of the church and into the town to put his idea into practice. And what an awful place the town was, much worse than he had imagined. He almost gave up his idea, but then he thought, ‘If it’s always as nasty as this, everybody is bound to agree to my plan’. So he hurried on...”
“In a busy little town, not very far away, there is a church, and in the church there lived a mouse whose name was Arthur. “
“And what a day Mr Tickle had. He tickled the policeman on traffic duty at the crossroads in the middle of town. It caused an enormous traffic jam.”
“The father now dead, the now-freed son wished to build something on those acres of land that would last for centuries to come. A town for men like him, who would never be accepted as white but refused to be treated like Negroes.”
″ When suddenly out of the shadows they saw Scarface Claw the toughest Tom in town.”
“With tails in the air they trotted on down past the shops and the park to the far end of town. They sniffed at the smells and they snooped at each door.”
“One hot summer in Itching Down, four million wasps flew into town.”
“We all live in Busytown and we are all workers. We work hard so that there will be enough food and houses and clothing for our families.”
Grade 7-10-Vile odors, feral dogs, fascistic school monitors, and a demonic principal combine to convince Nathaniel, 15, that something is terribly wrong in his new town.
Suspense builds slowly and creates an atmosphere of grim foreboding. However, Nathaniel is the only one of the young people whose personality is distinct, and the fantasy elements in the plot are not fully developed.
“Inside the house it was warm. The family sat in the dining room, drinking tea and eating cookies left over from Christmas.”
He offers to take Annie to town. Before she can protest, Annie finds herself lifted on to his saddle and off they set on an intense, dream-like journey.
″ ‘I know a number of funy things,’ says th lady. ‘I have been at some people’s christenings, and turned away from other folks’ doors. I have seen some people spoilt by good fortune, and others, as I hope, improved by hardship. I advise you to stay at the town where the coach stops for the night. Stay there and study, and remember your old friend to whom you were kind.′ ”

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