
Edward d'Villefort Quotes

Three of the best book quotes from Edward d'Villefort
“How grateful will M. de Villefort be for all your goodness; how thankfully will he acknowledge that to you alone he owes the existence of his wife and child! Most certainly, but for the prompt assistance of your intrepid servant, this dear child and myself must both have perished.”
Source: Chapter 47, Paragraph 83
The old man’s declaration that Valentine was not the destined inheritor of his fortune had excited the hopes of Madame de Villefort; she gradually approached the invalid, and said: “Then, doubtless, dear M. Noirtier, you intend leaving your fortune to your grandson, Edward de Villefort?” The winking of the eyes which answered this speech was most decided and terrible, and expressed a feeling almost amounting to hatred.
Source: Chapter 59, Paragraphs 82-84
“You know that I was a good mother, since it was for my son’s sake I became criminal. A good mother cannot depart without her son.”
Source: Chapter 111, Paragraph 38
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