
M. de Boville Quotes

Three of the best book quotes from M. de Boville
“Oh, I recollect him perfectly,” cried M. de Boville; “he was crazy.”
Source: Chapter 28, Paragraph 34
“As I have already told you, sir, he was a very dangerous man; and, fortunately, by his own act disembarrassed the government of the fears it had on his account.”
Source: Chapter 28, Paragraph 57
“The person called the Count of Monte Cristo is an intimate acquaintance of Lord Wilmore, a rich foreigner, who is sometimes seen in Paris and who is there at this moment; he is also known to the Abbé Busoni, a Sicilian priest, of high repute in the East, where he has done much good.”
Source: Chapter 69, Paragraph 7
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