“There still faintly beamed from the woman’s features something of the freshness, and even the prettiness, of her youth; rendering it evident that the personal charms which Tess could boast were in main part her mother’s gift, and therefore unknightly, unhistorical.”
“They worshiped courage, those early Polynesians. The Spirit which had urged them across the Pacific in their sailing canoes, before the dawn of recorded history... still sang its song of danger in their blood.”
″‘I love these old photographs. I collect them. This one is especially nice. Who is it?’ she asked.
‘My great-grandmother.’
‘Of course. I should have guessed. You look so much alike. Anyone looking carefully would realize it. Your face is the same shape, you’ve got the same pointy chin- you’re a perfect copy.‘”
″‘Miss Eva has got the St. Clare blood in her, that’s plain. She can speak, for all the world, just like her papa,’ she said, as she passed out of the room.”