
speaking Quotes

56 of the best book quotes about speaking
“Mr. Fox had not spoken for a long time. He had been sitting quite still, his eyes closed, not even hearing what the others were saying. Mrs. Fox knew that he was trying desperately to think of a way out. And now, as she looked at him, she saw him stir himself and get slowly to his feet.”
“One of my favorite things to do was to learn new tricks, as the boy called them, which consisted of him speaking to me in encouraging tones and then feeding me treats.”
″‘It’s so unfair,’ said Bruno. ‘I don’t see why I have to be stuck over here on this side of the fence where there’s no one to talk to and no one to play with and you get to have dozens of friends and are probably playing for hours every day. I’ll have to speak to Father about it.‘”
“Child, to say the very thing you really mean, the whole of it, nothing more or less or other than what you really mean; that’s the whole art and joy of words.”
“So much depends on the tone of voice.”
“Then he spoke his son’s name.”
“I have never spoken one single word. I am almost eleven years old.”
″[Gus] felt such love for Lorie that even speaking her name caused him to feel weak sometimes.”
“You can fool no more money out of me at this throw. If you will let your lady know I am here to speak with her, and bring her along with you, it may awake my bounty further.”
“Thou lov’st to speak in riddles and dark words.”
″‘Tis one thing to speak much, another well.”
“It’s no good pretending that any relationship has a future if your record collections disagree violently or if your favorite films wouldn’t even speak to each other if they met at a party.”
“Speak Life: You are loved. You have purpose. You are a masterpiece. You are wonderfully made. God has a great plan for you.”
“An ugly man, with a face sharp like a weasel and a habit of running a flickering tongue over his lips before he speaks. But most ugly of all are his eyes: blue, bright blue. When people see them, they flinch. Such things are freakish. He is lucky he was not killed at birth.”
“When he speaks at last, his voice is weary, and defeated. He doesn’t know how to be angry with me, either. We are like damp wood that won’t light.”
“There was more to say, but for once we did not say it. There would be other times for speaking, tonight and tomorrow and all the days after that. He let go of my hand.”
“I see thou wilt not trust the air With secrets.”
“Negative thoughts come to us all. But when you speak them out loud, you give them life. That’s when they become a reality.”
“To speak a language is to take on a world, a culture.”
“attend the boxing matches, go to the racetrack, live on luck and skill, get alone, get alone often, and if you can’t sleep alone be careful of the words you speak in your sleep; and ask for no mercy no miracles;..”
“Sully strains to say his phrases, sickened by the sounds he raises, strings of thoughts come out in knots, he solves his sentences like mazes. At night, he writes his thoughts instead and sighs as they steadily rush from his head.”
“That the orator’s own character should look right is particularly important in political speaking: that the audience should be in the right frame of mind, in lawsuits.”
“You hear Me in the depths of your being. Deep calls unto deep. You are blessed to hear Me so directly. Never take this privilege for granted. The best response is a heart overflowing with gratitude. I am training you to cultivate a thankful mind-set.”
“I learned early that crying out in protest could accomplish things.”
“When you speak, always remember that God is one of your listeners.”
“Roberto, Will you always come home with me and tell me about your day? Tell me about the guy at work who talked too much, the stain you got on your shirt at lunch. Tell me about a funny thought you had when you were waking up and forgotten about. Tell me how crazy everyone is and we can laugh about it. Even if you get home late and I’m already asleep, just whisper in my ear one little thought you had today, ‘cause I love the way you look at the world. I’m so happy I get to be next to you and look at the world through your eyes. Love, Maria.”
“Once a month an undercover narcotics agent of the county was assigned at random to speak before bubblehead gatherings such as this. Today was his turn. Looking at his audience, he realized how much he detested straights.”
All movement is a sign of thirst. Most speaking really says “I am hungry to know you.” Every desire of your body is holy; Every desire of your body is holy. Dear one, Why wait until you are dying To discover that divine Truth?”
“You swore you loved me, and laughed and warned me that you would not love me forever. I did not hear you. You were speaking in a language I did not understand.”
“They had learned to speak, and so had won their first great victory over Time. Now the knowledge of one generation could be handed on to the next, so that each age could profit from those that had gone before. ”
“Many of the changes would prove to be permanent. Brian had gained immensely in his ability to observe what was happening and react to it; that would last him all his life. He had become more thoughtful as well, and from that time on he would think slowly about something before speaking.”
“Not so long ago, before she could even speak words, Trixie went on an errand with her daddy....”
Gemma Stone believes she can’t speak in front of people without having to vomit, but when she auditions for the school play (Shakespeare’s ‘The Tempest’), it turns out she is quite the talent.
″ ‘Wolves are brotherly,’ he said. ‘They love each other, and if you learn to speak to them, they will love you too.’ ”
“When we love we can let our hearts speak.”
“Not hear it? --yes, I hear it, and have heard it. Long --long --long --many minutes, many hours, many days, have I heard it --yet I dared not --oh, pity me, miserable wretch that I am! --I dared not --I dared not speak! We have put her living in the tomb!”
“ ‘What’s your name?’ ‘Treehorn,’ said Treehorn. ‘First time I ever heard of a family naming two boys the same name,’ said the bus driver. ‘Guess they couldn’t think of any other name, once they thought of Treehorn.’ Treenhorn said nothing.”
“Leo couldn’t do anything right. He couldn’t read. He couldn’t write. He couldn’t draw. He was a sloppy eater. And, he never said a word.”
“He also spoke. And it wasn’t just a word. It was a whole sentence. And that sentence was... ‘I made it!’ “
“The thing about Shakespeare is, he’s so eloquent…He speaks the unspeakable. He turns grief and triumph and rapture and rage into words, into something we can understand. He renders the whole mystery of humanity comprehensible.”
A foundling, Spider Sparrow isn’t like others; he doesn’t speak much and he shuffles along. But in spite of his infirmities, Spider has a special affinity for animals. And that’s the story. The story of a boy who seems handicapped but who uses his strengths to make a lovely life for himself.
A foundling, Spider Sparrow isn’t like others; he doesn’t speak much and he shuffles along. But in spite of his infirmities, Spider has a special affinity for animals. The story of a boy who seems handicapped but who uses his strengths to make a lovely life for himself.
“From somewhere quite near he heard a muffled ‘Grrrrr,’ followed by, ‘Did somebody say something?’ Little Bear moved a few things aside and there, propped up against a cardboard box and covered in dust, was Old Bear.”
“Maybe you saw her first, Sam, but I spoke first.”
“That is not English, Will. And when we speak to one another, you and I, we do not use English. We use the Old Speech. We were born with it in our tongues. You think you are speaking English now, because your common sense tells you it is the only language you understand, but if your family were to hear you they would hear only gibberish. The same with that book.”
″ ‘Close your eyes,’ said Frederick, as he climbed on a big stone. ‘Now I send you the rays of the sun. Do you feel how their golden glow…’ And as Frederick spoke of the sun the four little mice began to feel warmer.”
″ ‘But, King,’ he cried, ‘it was the iguana’s fault. He wouldn’t speak to me. And I thought he was plotting some mischief against me. When I crawled into the rabbit’s hole, I was only trying to hide.’ ”
“Alan and I went slowly forward upon our way, having little heart either to walk or speak. The same thought was uppermost in both, that we were near the time of our parting; and remembrance of all the bygone days sate upon us sorely.”
“But mind maidens, he must not see you, or know that you are here. He is but a savage now, and like the beasts which perish; and from the beasts which perish he must learn. So you must not play with him, or speak to him, or let him see you: but only keep him from being harmed.”
“Speak what you think today in hard words and tomorrow speak what tomorrow thinks in hard words again, though it contradict every thing you said today.”
“The sound of the living room clock striking midnight could not reach them; they never had permission to speak at all, and they lay in silence until another year had passed and they stood once more beneath the tree.”
“Then the little red lighthouse spoke out plainly. Flash! Flash! Flash! One second on, two seconds off!”
The Whole Duty of Children A child should always say what’s true And speak when he is spoken to, And behave mannerly at table; At least as far as he is able.
“At once the bush was filled with laughter. Wild kookaburras who were no relation to Jacko had flown into a nearby tree, and they made a terrible din, chuckling and laughing at the top of their voices. Nobody could speak for the noise.”
“But alas! as yet I only know your tongue through books. To you, my friend, I look that I know it to speak.”
″‘Miss Eva has got the St. Clare blood in her, that’s plain. She can speak, for all the world, just like her papa,’ she said, as she passed out of the room.”
Source: Chapter 20, Paragraph 115

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