
Find Your Why Quotes

15 of the best book quotes from Find Your Why
“The goal is not simply for you to cross the finish line, but to see how many people you can inspire to run with you.”
“The greatest contribution of a leader is to make other leaders.”
“If we want to feel an undying passion for our work, if we want to feel we are contributing to something bigger than ourselves, we all need to know our WHY.”
“And remember the most important lesson. The goal is not simply for you to cross the finish line, but to see how many people you can inspire to run with you.”
“There’s just one problem with feelings. They can be tremendously difficult to express in words. That’s the reason we so often resort to metaphors and analogies,”
“The opportunity is not to discover the perfect company for ourselves. The opportunity is to build the perfect company for each other.”
“There are two ways to build a career or a business. We can go through life hunting and pecking, looking for opportunities or customers, hoping that something connects. Or we can go through life with intention, knowing what our piece looks like, knowing our WHY, and going straight to the places we fit.”
“The goal for us as individuals is to know our WHY so that we can more easily find the right tree and the right nest. The goal for an organization is to know its WHY in order to attract the right birds. And the goal for each team within the company is to make sure that they have the right birds in each nest—those who will work together most effectively to contribute to the organization’s higher purpose and cause.”
“the combination of your WHY and HOWs is as exclusively yours as your fingerprint.”
“We don’t necessarily find happiness in our jobs every day, but we can feel fulfilled by our work every day if it makes us feel part of something bigger than ourselves.”
“If we expect people to live the core values of an organization, we have to be able to tell them what those values look like in action.”
“Our struggles are the short-term steps we must take on our way to long-term success.”
“If we expect people to live the core values of an organization, we have to be able to tell them what those values look like in action.”
“Before we can stand out, we must first get clear on what we stand for.”
“Your vision is only actionable if you say it out loud. If you keep it to yourself, it will remain a figment of your imagination.”
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