
frowning Quotes

Three of the best book quotes about frowning
“Mom frowned at me. ‘You’d be destroying what makes it special’ she said, ‘It’s the Joshua tree’s struggle that gives it its beauty’.”
“Henry scratched his head. ‘Stop scratching, Henry!’ said Mum and Dad. ‘Uh-oh,’ said Mum. She put down her fork and frowned at Henry. ‘Henry, do you. have nits again?’ ‘Of course not,’ said Henry. ‘Come over to the sink, Henry,’ said Mum. ‘Why?’ said Henry. ‘I need to check your head.’ Henry dragged his feet over to her slowly as possible. It’s not fair, he thought.
“Jeff frowned. He wished the Missouri bushwhackers would live by the rule Mr. Lincoln had laid down in his speech at Leavenworth. […] But neither side had heeded Lincoln’s gentle advice.”
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