
glasses Quotes

Five of the best book quotes about glasses
“Then John Dolittle got a fine, big pair of green spectacles; and the plow-horse stopped going blind in one eye and could see as well as ever. And soon it became a common sight to see farm-animals wearing glasses in the country round Puddleby; and a blind horse was a thing unknown.”
“She gave him a pair of glasses with glow in the dark lenses and sent a letter to the moon. The letter said, ‘Moon, don’t even think about doing anything silly like melting or something.’ And then she left.”
“Anastasia Krupnik was ten. She had hair the color of Hubbard squash, fourteen freckles across her nose (and seven others in places that she preferred people not to know about), and glasses with large owl-eyed rims, which se had chosen herself at the optician’s.”
“Thereupon we all touched glasses and drank. I am sure I wished no ill to King George; and if he had been there himself in proper person, it’s like he would have done as I did. No sooner had I taken out the drain than I felt hugely better, and could look on and listen, still a little mistily perhaps, but no longer with the same groundless horror and distress of mind.”
“I carefully opened the door. Laura didn’t even notice. She was pounding away on her typewriter and she had her faraway look in spite of her glasses. I realized that last Sunday she hadn’t had them on at all, so I’d been able to see her Cuddly-Bunny eyes perfectly. Sometimes she wore them, sometimes she didn’t. ”
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