
youth novel Quotes

37 of the best book quotes about youth novel
“As it turns out the ghetto is not entirely empty, and that is where he comes across various people, from neighbors to robbers, some of whom even try to help him. He finds himself in an abandoned, bombed out building on Bird Street (Ptasia street) where he seeks refuge. ”
Anastasia deals with everyday problems such as popularity, the wart on her thumb or the new arrival of her little brother, Sam. The book is written in episodic fashion, each chapter self-contained with minimal narrative link to the others. At the end of each chapter is a list written by Anastasia, listing her likes and dislikes, showing the character’s growth and development through the story.
“Anastasia Krupnik was ten. She had hair the color of Hubbard squash, fourteen freckles across her nose (and seven others in places that she preferred people not to know about), and glasses with large owl-eyed rims, which se had chosen herself at the optician’s.”
“There were so many poems being born in Anastasia’s head that she ran all the way home from school to find a private place to write them down, the way her cat had once found a very private place -the pile of ironing in the pantry - in which to create kittens. But she discovered that it wasn’t easy. She hung the Do No Disturb sign from the Parker House Hotel on the doorknob of her bedroom door.”
The novel itself is excellent. The character journey accompanied by the physical is a favourite. The confusion and disjoint with reality experienced by the characters is palpable.
The different stories just happen. There is a curse, children are threatened, but they survive.
Solomon decides to work on his dyslexia. Wow, big surprise. His dad might start going to alcoholics meetings. The wondrous teacher leaves because she is so good (after a week or two), that she gets a promotion.
Fifteen-year-old Nathaniel Delaney, a newcomer in Cheshunt, senses that something is very wrong and joins forces with a small group of new friends to defeat the age-old evil presence that holds the town in its horrific grip.
Grade 7-10-Vile odors, feral dogs, fascistic school monitors, and a demonic principal combine to convince Nathaniel, 15, that something is terribly wrong in his new town.
When the spirit of a witch is released, Solomon is the only person who can fight it.
Out of the blue a new young teacher appears, sees the problem and sets out to set it straight.
This novel tells how Claudio slowly sorts though his intense feelings and comes to an uneasy peace with the fact of his friend’s death.
Written with remarkable, sustained intensity, this novel tells how Claudio slowly sorts though his intense feelings and comes to an uneasy peace with the fact of his friend’s death.
The first thing he gives to the wind is the brooch which comes back as the snow spider and suddenly magic is in his life, real and with consequences and responsibilities.
Two years after the Last Days, Australia has become a dangerous place, and a battle-ground for survival.
“But it was his eyes that marked him out from any other man I had ever seen for they drew you into them somehow so that you could not look away even if you wanted to.”
Denny, a teenager, is one of the unlucky ones, a survivor, one of those who have come through a nuclear war alive.
“Once again, Hazel’s determination to not accept the status quo but stand up for what she knows is right brings closure and relief.”
“Karl is cold and rude to the new class and his fellow men. He bullies Niklas by stealing, insulting and beating him. He is supported by Rocky, who becomes a typical follower. The motive for Karl’s actions is unknown.”
″ When danger comes to a large forest filled with big, brave animals, only a tiny bird can save everyone... ”
“These endings where you have to think about the meaning and what actually happened can work really well but here they didn’t.”
“The Young Boy and his Great-Grandfather fill the rest of the week this story spans discussing the question around which many of the fables turn: what makes a hero?”
“Jessika at first believes that he’s the pirate until she realizes that he is in fact her father.”
″ On the eve of their first tour, his girlfriend Camila finds out she’s pregnant, and with the pressure of impending fatherhood and fame, Billy goes a little wild on the road.”
“When the “Redshirts”—another gang of boys, led by Feri Áts, who gather at the nearby botanical gardens—attempt to take over the grund, the Paul Street Boys are forced to defend themselves in military fashion.”
“Although the Paul Street Boys win the war, and little Nemecsek repeatedly demonstrates that his bravery and loyalty surpasses his size..”
“Although the Paul Street Boys win the war, and little Nemecsek repeatedly demonstrates that his bravery and loyalty surpasses his size..”
“The story has two main protagonists, János Boka (the honourable leader of the Paul Street Boys) and Ernő Nemecsek (the smallest member of the group).”
“The book ends in tragedy: Nemecsek dies of the pneumonia that he caught in the conflict.”
“Cyprus, 1571. An island at war. The powerful Ottoman army has taken every city save one, Famagusta, a Venetian port and stronghold. Besieged by a force of 80,000 men, they city has valiantly fought back with its small garrison of warriors and mercenaries.”
“Few, however, know the captain’s secret… that she has donned armour and passed herself off as a man in order to search for her beloved who has been imprisoned by the Turks. ”
“However, they do find that they have a new companion in a white shaggy dog who will not leave them.”
“He could pick apple blossoms and take them to his mother. But he could not share snowflakes because he could not save them. Willie’s mother was his teacher until he was fourteen years old.”
“The Paul Street Boys spend their free time at the grund, an empty lot that they regard as their “Fatherland.”
“So,” Jeffrey said, “where do you want me to look?” Elizabeth sighed. She was trying very hard not to yell. Jeffrey had come when she’d called, and he’d nodded while she’d described her early morning search along the stream and up the hill behind the house. But he had yet to look anywhere himself.”
“Flung over rapids and tossed through chasms, Tom finally hits shore, sore but alive. What Tom finds under Leepike Ridge—a dog, a flashlight, a castaway, a tomb, and buried treasure.”
“One day, Lucio’s mother goes missing and he finds a mysterious text on her phone which she’s left behind in their apartment: ‘Come to Palermo, Mamma is dying’. ”

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Alexturn outghettosfictioncoming acrossSecond World Wardangerousbombed out buildinglikesa wartteenager dramasteenagerseveryday problemseveryday lifeAnastasiadislikescolor hairHubbard squashfrecklesglassesyoung girlopticianpoemsbeing bornAnastasia's headall the way homeprivate placespile of ironingthe pantryhorrific situationexcellent novelcharacterjourneysphysical needsconfusiondisjointlonelyrealitysurvivingthreatenedchildrencursedifferent storiesSolomonto work for somethingsevere dyslexiabig surprisedaddyalcoholicswondrous teacherpromotionsnew friendsjoining forcesjoiningvery wrongfeelingsCheshuntNathaniel Delaneyferal dogssupernatural horror talefascistic school monitorsdemonic principalsomething wrongtowncopping withmany problemsonly personto fightto set straightsets outproblemsyoung teacherout of the bluefriend's deathClaudiofriendshipintense feelingsuneasy peacedramaintriguing philosophythe Paintercome backmagicala snow spiderreal lifeconsequencestwo yearsthe Last DaysAustraliabattle-grounddescriptionshis eyesmarked him outpersonalityscaredlook awayDenny Hallunlucky onessurvivornuclear warrelationshipsdeterminationto not acceptthe status quostubborn persistencebullies by stealingcold and rudebullingtestimonydangerlarge forestbrave animalschildhoodbeing a girlendingsheroesthe young boystoryfantasythe pirateher fatherbeing pregnantfameHungarian writergang of boysFeri AtsbraveryErno Nemecsekwin the warprotagonistsJános Bokapneumoniatragedyunder siegeOttoman army1571a Venetian portimprisonedwar romancethe captain's secretThe Turkschildren's novelwhite saggy doga new companionsnowflakeshis motherpick apple blossomsfree timeat the grundempty lotElizabethmysteryadventuresdangerous rapidstossed through chasmsTommysterious textgo missingLucio's mother
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