
Sunday's Child Quotes

16 of the best book quotes from Sunday's Child
“For as long as she can remember, ten-year-old Jenny has lived in an orphanage. And for as long as she can remember, she wanted parents. But when the day comes and Jenny finally gets a Sunday foster mother, she is bitterly disappointed.”
“Laura Fielder’s hair is so short she looks just like a boy; she doesn’t give Jenny lavish presents; she doesn’t live in a fancy house. But gradually Jenny learns that Laura has more to give than just presents and cookies.”
“I’ve lived in the Home for a long time, all my life, in fact, because my parents couldn’t keep me when I was a baby. No one’s ever told me why, at least, not exactly. Just something about ‘the circumstances were not right.’ I don’t know what that means.”
“He pushes a chair over to Grandpa and climbs up. He finds three eggs. ‘Hold it,’ says Grandpa. ‘The eggs are supposed to go into the bowl. ”
“Would you look after Dusty for a little while?′ Dusty’s mother asks her father. He is Dusty’s grandpa. ‘All right,’ says Grandpa. ‘I’m just about to make some pancakes.’ ‘I want to help,’ cries Dusty, running into the kitchen. ”
“Here’s how it works: Almost all of us at the Home have Sunday Foster Parents. These are parents who want to take care of a child on Sundays, and so they come to the Home and pick one. Then that child is called a Sunday Foster Child and is allowed to go out with them every Sunday, and longer at Christmas and Easter. It’s really great!”
Jenny lives in an orphanage, surrounded by children who get to visit their ‘Sunday Foster Families’ while she stays back on her own. Until one day, a woman comes to be Jenny’s ‘Sunday Mommy,’ and Jenny learns to love and be loved by Laura.
“Andrea shares a room with me. We’re lucky because we have a double room. It’s got a bunk bed and two desks to do homework on. It’s great. Andrea sleeps on the top bunk and I sleep on the bottom. Andrea hardly ever wants to trade. She’s only twelve, just two years older than me, but she acts like that gives her a right to everything!”
Jenny is an orphan, and she’s one of the only children who never gets picked to go out with a foster mom and dad on Sunday.
Ten-year-old Jenny’s new foster mother doesn’t live up to her expectations until Jenny discovers that there are more important things in life than lavish gifts and fancy homes.
“But now I don’t have to be jealous anymore. Because now I’ve got Sunday Forster Parents too! I mean, they’re not parents, it’a just a lady, but still! Yesterday, on Sunday afternoon, Sister Frances sent this stupid kid named Donny to get me. Donny is much littler than me.”
Dusty helps Grandpa make pancakes with interesting results.
“I carefully opened the door. Laura didn’t even notice. She was pounding away on her typewriter and she had her faraway look in spite of her glasses. I realized that last Sunday she hadn’t had them on at all, so I’d been able to see her Cuddly-Bunny eyes perfectly. Sometimes she wore them, sometimes she didn’t. ”
‘I want to help,’ says Dusty. ‘Not with the eggs,’ says Grandpa. ‘Not with the eggs,’ days Dusty. Grandpa hurries to add the flour, milk, and new eggs - without the shells.”
″‘I want to help,’ says Dusty, as he drops two eggs into the bowl. The third one cracks in his hand. ‘Oh boy, what a mess.’ says Grandpa. ‘There will be eggshells in the pancakes, I will have to take them out.‘”
“I want to help,′ says Dusty, swishing his hands in the egg mixture. ‘No, no, NO!’ says Grandpa. His voice is getting louder. He wipes Dusty’s hands and lifts him down to the floor.”

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