
Sunday Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about sunday
On Sunday, winds come, bringing a red dust, like prairie fire, hot and peppery, searing the inside of my nose, the whites of my eyes. Roaring dust, turning the day from sunlight to midnight.
“Now on Sundays, after the week’s work is finished, Captain Lightning, Madam Thunderbolt and Max ride high in the warm air over the town.”
“But one Sunday, during the Harvest Festival service, a terrible thing happened. Sampson, who had suffered a very bad night with the young mice, dropped off during the sermon and dreamt he was back in the days before he was reformed. When he woke up he found he was not dreaming. He was chasing mice all over the church. It took a bit of time to remember about brotherly love, and by that time it was too late.”
“I carefully opened the door. Laura didn’t even notice. She was pounding away on her typewriter and she had her faraway look in spite of her glasses. I realized that last Sunday she hadn’t had them on at all, so I’d been able to see her Cuddly-Bunny eyes perfectly. Sometimes she wore them, sometimes she didn’t. ”
“He liked pancakes on Sunday morning.”
“It was Sundays that saved her. After morning church she went straight to the garage, put on her jeans, and though only emergency work was really done on Sundays, the foreman always had something ready for her. Very dirty and happy, she would work until they had to dash home for lunch.”
“I stay out in the surf all Sunday morning. I stay out in the surf all Sunday afternoon. I spend nearly all Sunday in the water, because next week I won’t be able to surf at all.”
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