
mighty Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about mighty
“My master had power and law on his side; I had a determined will. There is might in each.”
“And so it was that he shuddered when the mighty seas, gathering far out, hurled themselves at the barrier reef of Hikueru and the whole island quivered under the assault.”
“Therefore Morgoth came, climbing slowly from his subterranean throne, and the rumour of his feet was like thunder underground. And he issued forth clad in black armour; and he stood before the King like a tower, iron-crowned, and his vast shield, sable unblazoned, cast a shadow over him like a stormcloud.”
“Ruler of Athens, Lord and Governor, And in his time so great a conqueror There was none mightier beneath the sun. And many a rich country he had won, What with his wisdom and his troops of horse.”
“You may be a mighty king, but your sitting in oobleck up to your chin. And so is everyone else in you land. And if you won’t even say you’re sorry, you’re no sort of a king at all!”
“Why, I’ll be the mightiest man that ever lived! Just think of it! Tomorrow I’m going to have OOBLECK!”
“Before three notes of the pipe came fluttering you heard a sound like armies muttering, and the muttering grew to a grumbling, and the grumbling grew to a mighty rumbling, and out of the houses the rats came tumbling.”
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