
Bartholomew Cubbins Quotes

17 of the best book quotes from Bartholomew Cubbins
“You may be a mighty king, but your sitting in oobleck up to your chin. And so is everyone else in you land. And if you won’t even say you’re sorry, you’re no sort of a king at all!”
“You rule all the land. And you rule all the people. But even kings can’t rule the sky.”
“So don’t waste your time saying foolish magic words. YOU ought to be saying some plain simple words!”
“Come back. Bartholomew Cubbins! You’re right! It is all my fault! And I am sorry! Oh, Bartholomew, I’m awfully, awfully sorry!”
“That oobleck’s gooey! It’s gummy! It’s like glue!”
“They can do it for me! Bartholomew Cubbins, blow my secret whistle! Quick! Call my royal magicians!”
“In his right hand he carried a basket of cranberries to sell at the market. He was anxious to sell them quickly and bring the money back home to his parents. ”
“In the beginning, Bartholomew Cubbins, didn’t have five hundred hats. He had only one hat. It was an old one that had belonged to his father and his father’s father before him.”
“There did seem to be something on his head. He reached up his hand and touched a hat!”
“Bartholomew quickly snatched off the hat. He stared at it in astonishment. It was exactly the same as his own hat the same size, the same color. It had exactly the same feather.”
“Young man, I’ll give you one more chance. Will you take off your hat for your King?”
“Does this mean there is no one in my whole kingdom who can take off this boy’s hat?”
“And he let fly an arrow. zZZ!.. it grazed Bartholomew’s forehead and nipped off his hat. Away it blew, and over the parapet. But another hat appeared on his head. zZZ! zzz! zZZ!... the arrows flew.. till the Grand Duke’s whole bagful of arrows was gone. And still a hat sat upon Bartholomew’s head.”
“The King’s hand trembled with joy as he reached for the hat. Slowly, slowly, Bartholomew felt the weight of the grat hat lifting from his head. He held his breath.... then suddenly he felt the cool evening breezes blew through his hair.
“The hats began to change! Hat 451 had, not one, but two feather! Hat 452 had three.. 453 also had three and a little red jewel! Each new hat was fancier than the hat just before.”
“But when Bartholomew stepped up on the wall they gasped in amazement. He was wearing the most beautiful hat that had ever been seen in the Kingdom of Didd. ”
“Then the King sent Bartholomew home to his parents.. no basket on his arm, no hat on his head, but with five hundred pieces of gold in a bag. ”
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