
Mr. David Merewether Quotes

Five of the best book quotes from Mr. David Merewether
″-the girl with her expensive boarding-school snobbery, the old man with his Salvation Army suit and shirt with no collar. Really, he reflected, there was something most prickly and difficult about the pair of them.”
“He went back. Robert went back. We’d just had that quarrel- aw, you wouldn’t remember, but I do, little as I want to. Robert went back to the old place. Now why do you reckon?”
“It must, thought he, be true that blood is ultimately thicker than water. He guessed that these two stubborn and arrogant people were both more lonely than he could imagine, and at the bottom of their hearts pleased to find themselves with kith and kin, no matter whom.”
“When he smiles he looks rather nice. He’s an old wreck and could do with a complete overhaul- his clothes are terrible, but he’s -well- he’s got something!”
“Nations could make war, tidal waves could sweep the world- but Dusty counted these things as none of his business. What really shocked him was to have to postpone his washing day.”
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