
piano Quotes

Eight of the best book quotes about piano
“Sometimes she wished her father had started her on the electric guitar. Or at the very least, singing lessons. What was she supposed to do with an ability to play the piano?”
“He had come here with the intention of embarrassing a snide assassin, and had instead found a young woman pouring her secrets into a pianoforte.”
“She used to play - oh, she’d loved to play, loved music, the way music could break and heal and make everything seem possible and heroic.”
“They certainly couldn’t throw him out. Neither did they dare to make a great scene about that piano because even they dimly sensed, as I sensed, from so many thousands of miles away, that Sonny was at that piano playing for his life.”
“If Miss Honeychurch ever takes to live as she plays, it will be very exciting both for us and for her.”
″‘As much as your playing filled my heart, it pains me to say you must leave the piano be. It’s never to be touched.’ Her eyes filled with regret. ‘It’s a shame, beautiful instrument like that, just begging to be played. And to think of all the music that used to come from it.‘”
“Patriotic pieces make people emotional. And Mr Howard told me that when you and Franklin played it at the orphanage, everyone was quite moved by your rendition.”
“He falls off the piano stool and bangs his nose on the floor. The baby laugh and shouts, ‘Again!’ ‘Again?’ says Burglar Bill. ‘I didn’t want to do it the first time!‘”
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