“As a council of state, and as a court of justice, the senate possessed very considerable prerogatives; but in its legislative capacity, in which it was supposed virtually to represent the people, the rights of sovereignty were acknowledged to reside in that assembly. Every power was derived from their authority, every law was ratified by their sanction.”
″‘I don’t know that you aren’t. I connect you with a view — a certain type of view. Why shouldn’t you connect me with a room?’
She reflected a moment, and then said, laughing:
‘Do you know that you’re right? I do. I must be a poetess after all. When I think of you it’s always as in a room. How funny!’
To her surprise, he seemed annoyed.
‘A drawing-room, pray? With no view?’
‘Yes, with no view, I fancy. Why not?’
‘I’d rather,’ he said reproachfully, ‘that you connected me with the open air.‘”
“The glory of sport is witnessing a well-coached team perform as a single unit, striving for a common goal and ultimately bringing distinction to the jersey the players represent.”