
sports Quotes

35 of the best book quotes about sports
“There is no more exciting sport than flying, for if you lose, you die.”
″[T]he magical things you can do with that ball will make you the winning-est winner of all. Fame! You’ll be as famous as famous can be, with the whole wide world watching you win on TV.”
“To pilot a racehorse is to ride a half-ton catapult. It is without question on of the most formidable feats in sport. The extraordinary athleticism of the jockey is unparalleled.”
“The little horse had drawn more newspaper coverage in 1938 than Roosevelt, who was Second, Hitler (third), Mussolini (fourth), or any other newsmaker. His match with War Admiral was almost certainly the single biggest news story of the year and one of the biggest sports moments of the century.”
“Rowing then becomes a kind of perfect language. Poetry, that’s what a good swing feels like.”
“I am vulnerable; that’s why I fight.”
“To be the best, you have to constantly be challenging yourself, raising the bar, pushing the limits of what you can do. Don’t stand still, leap forward.”
“Life is a fight from the minute you take your first breath to the moment you exhale your last.”
“I am not looking to escape the pressure. I am embracing it. Pressure is what builds up in the chamber behind a bullet before it explodes out of the gun.”
“The kind of hope I’m talking about is the belief that something good will come. That everything you’re going through and everything you’ve gone through will be worth the struggles and frustrations. The kind of hope I’m talking about is a deep belief that the world can be changed, that the impossible is possible.”
“If you can’t dream big, ridiculous dreams, what’s the point in dreaming at all?”
“I want her to look at me. I want her to stare me in the eye. I want her to see that I have no fear. I want her to know she stands no chance. I want her to be scared. I want her to know she is going to lose.”
“No one is ever going to give you anything of value. You have to work for it, sweat for it, fight for it. But there is far greater value in accomplishments you earn than in accolades that are merely given to you. When you earn something, you never have to worry about justifying that you truly deserve it.”
“Once you give them the power to tell you you’re great, you’ve also given them the power to tell you you’re unworthy. Once you start caring about people’s opinions of you, you give up control.”
“Everyone wants to win. But to truly succeed - whether it is at a sport or at your job or in life - you have to be willing to do the hard work, overcome the challenges, and make the sacrifices it takes to be the best at what you do.”
“Most people focus on the wrong thing; They focus on the result, not the process. The process is the sacrifice; it’s all the hard parts - the sweat, the pain, the tears, the losses. You make the sacrifices anyway. You learn to enjoy them, or at least embrace them. In the end, it is the sacrifices that must fulfill you.”
“Success is the result of hard work, busting your ass every day for years on end without cutting corners or taking shortcuts.”
“Making a change in your life is as easy as making a decision and acting on it. That’s it.”
“A sleeper just waits and when the time is right, they come out and wow everyone. That’s you, kiddo. Don’t you worry.”
“People want to project their own insecurities on others, but I refuse to allow them to put that on me. Just because you don’t think that you could be the best in the world doesn’t mean that I shouldn’t have the confidence to believe I can do anything.”
“It is one thing to fight other people, but fighting yourself is different. If you’re fighting yourself, who wins? Who loses?”
“You have to fight because you can’t count on anyone else fighting for you. And you have to fight for people who can’t fight for themselves. To get anything of real value, you have to fight for it.”
“He needed overt drama in his life. He was a person for whom the clock was always running out, the game was always tied, and the ball was always in his hands. He’d played the role for so long that he’d become the role.”
“The best sport in the world.”
“Simply this: hunting had ceased to be what you call `a sporting proposition.′ It had become too easy. I always got my quarry. Always. There is no greater bore than perfection.”
“There is no subject of public interest—politics, news, education, religion, science, sports—that does not find its way to television. Which means that all public understanding of these subjects is shaped by the biases of television.”
“But . . . you born with two strikes on you before you come to the plate. You got to guard it closely . . . always looking for the curve-ball on the inside corner. You can’t afford to let none get past you. You can’t afford a call strike. If you going down . . . you going down swinging.”
“The colored guy got to be twice as good before he get on the team. That’s why I don’t want you to get all tied up in them sports. Man on the team and what it get him? They got colored on the team and don’t use them. Same as not having them. All them teams the same.”
“There was a football team and a baseball team, but the swim team was the school’s claim to fame. Raynesville infants were dropped into one of the public swimming pools before they could crawl.”
“The glory of sport is witnessing a well-coached team perform as a single unit, striving for a common goal and ultimately bringing distinction to the jersey the players represent.”
“This sport demands only one thing from you. Your all.”
“Whether you’re on a sports team, in an office or a member of a family, if you can’t trust one another there’s going to be trouble.”
“Because the only way to become really good at coping with the discomforts and stresses of endurance sports is to experience them.”
“A trick that everyone abhors In Little Girls is slamming Doors A Wealthy Banker’s Little Daughter Who lived in Palace Green, Bayswater (By name Rebecca Offendort) Was given to this Furious Sport.”
‘We condition the masses to hate the country,’ concluded the Director. ‘But simultaneously we condition them to love all country sports.’

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