
Seth Sorenson Quotes

22 of the best book quotes from Seth Sorenson
“Seth was altered by magic imposed upon him. But the potential to fall and become an imp is a fundamental aspect of being a fairy […] Muriel might be able to undo the enchantments forced upon Seth. Reversing the fall of a fairy would be far beyond her capacity.”
″‘The fairies aren’t safe?’ Seth asked. ‘They aren’t out to harm anyone, or I wouldn’t allow them in the yard. I suppose they are capable of good deeds, but they would not normally do them for what we would consider the right reasons.‘”
″‘That is my right. I am your grandfather. And this is my property.’ ‘I am your grandson. You should tell me the truth. You’re not setting a very good example.‘”
″‘How did you become a chicken in the first place?’ Seth asked. ‘Pride made me careless,’ Grandma said. ‘A sobering reminder that none of us are immune to the dangers here, even when we imagine we have the upper hand.‘”
“Unlike her little brother, Kendra was not a natural rule breaker.”
“Seth jumped off the bed. Crouching, he scooped up two handfuls from the circle of salt and charged the wiry goblin.”
“I know the mistakes you made were not deliberate or malicious […] Your grandfather must share the blame for placing you children in a situation where opening a window with kind intentions could cause such harm and destruction. And clearly the fiends who abducted him are ultimately the most culpable.”
“Very well, my arrogant young adventurer. Why not test your courage? Every explorer deserves a chance to prove his mettle.”
“Kendra turned. All she saw was a butterfly and a couple of hummingbirds. She looked back at Seth. He was turning in circles, eyes darting around the garden, apparently perplexed and amazed. ‘They’re everywhere,’ he said in awe. ‘What are?’ ‘Look around. The fairies.‘”
″‘You should have Hugo throw you in the pool.’ The golem turned his head toward Seth, who shrugged. ‘Sure, that would be fun.’ Hugo nodded, grabbed Seth, and, with a motion like a hook shot, flung him skyward. ... Her brother sailed nearly as high as the roof of the house before plummeting down and landing in the center of the deep end with an impressive splash. Kendra ran to the side of the pool. By the time she arrived, Seth was boosting himself out of the waster, hair and clothes dripping. ‘That was the freakiest, awesomest moment in my life!’ Seth declared. ‘But next time, let me take off my shoes.‘”
″‘Funny you guys should mention brownies,’ Seth said. ‘We need a favor.’ ‘Does the favor involve demons trashing our shed?’ Newel asked.
″‘This is more like it,’ Seth said happily, placing the gold inside his emergency kit. ‘What does the ‘N’ stand for?′ Newel scratched his head. ‘Nothing.’ ‘Right,’ Doren said hastily. ‘Stands for ‘nothing″”
″‘Tingly,’ he said. His eyes widened. ‘Really tingly!’ His clothes suddenly looked very loose. He looked up at Kendra, craning his neck at his much taller sister...The shrinking accelerated, and he seemed to disappear.”
“Without warning, the statue squirmed and bit the side of his thumb. Yelling in surprise, Seth dropped the figurine and the flashlight onto the carpeted floor.”
“Seth pictured the gaunt man with the lank hair and the unphotogenic smile rocking the cocoon. ‘He can’t get in, he can’t get in, he can’t get in,’ Seth repeated softly to himself.”
″‘He paid a severe price to est the revenant-it was evidently a very close contest. Potion or no potion, your brother must have the heart of a lion!’ ‘He’s very brave,’ Kendra said, tears pooling in her eyes.”
“Pausing, he set down his things and began throwing punches to warm himself up. Wow, he hadn’t realized how fast his right had gotten! His left was pretty good too. He was a machine!”
“This surpassed the fear of death. Death would be a mercy if it would make the feeling stop, the uncontrollable panic mingling with the mind-scrambling certainty of something sinister approaching, something with no need to hurry, something that would not be so kind as to let him die. The fear was palpable, suffocating, irresistible.”
“Seth realized he had made the worst mistake of his life, and that now he would die. Why hadn’t he waited to open the cocoon? Why was he so impatient?”
″‘I can’t believe I missed the coolest thing anyone has ever seen,’ Seth complained...‘A giant, flying, snake-covered, three-headed, acid-breathing panther. If you didn’t have witnesses, I’d be sure you made it up just to torture me.‘”
″‘Maybe you should just feed me to him,’ Seth said. ‘Don’t talk nonsense,’ Grandma said. Seth stood up. ‘Wouldn’t it be better than letting Olloch destroy all of Fablehaven? Sounds like he’ll get me sooner or later.‘”
″‘Seth, the artifact we are looking for is very important. In the wrong hands it could be extremely dangerous. It could even lead to the end of the world.‘”
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