
shooting Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about shooting
Shooting and shouting result, and the family is ordered to leave the country. An almost duplicate scene labeled “Eritrea” follows. In an effort to show that neither country embraces the union of this Ethiopian man and Eritrean woman and its progeny, the question immediately arises, are the soldiers Ethiopian or Eritrean?
“My two little children are up here with us. You wouldn’t shoot my children!”
″‘A bit of a fright, eh?’ It’ll toughen you up,′ he said. ‘Anyway, it’s true. It’s gone eight. If a German comes along, he’ll shoot you dead as a threat to the German Reich. Heil Hitler!‘”
″ ‘Why, David,’ said [Alan], ‘the innocent have aye a chance to get assoiled in court; but for the lad that shot the bullet, I think the best place for him will be the heather. Them that havenae dipped their hands in any little difficulty, should be very mindful of the case of them that have. And that is the good Christianity. For if it was the other way round about, and the lad whom I couldnae just clearly see had been in our shoes, and we in his (as might very well have been), I think we would be a good deal obliged to him oursel’s if he would draw the soldiers.’ ”
“If I ever see a bear I’ll shoot him so fast he won’t know what hit him. And we’ll have the biggest bearskin in the whole valley.”
“The boy stood on a rock and pointed the arrow at the bear’s heart. ‘Shoot!’ he cried. The old man pulled hard and the arrow flew through the air. It hit its mark and the bear fell dead.”
“If there has been any shooting done, it has been done by somebody else.”
Source: Chapter 15, Line 53
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