
shoes Quotes

33 of the best book quotes about shoes
“But, Eva, dear, your shoes are carrying your most valuable possession-your life.”
“I wept because I had no shoes, until I met a man who had no feet.”
“The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship.”
“She sits on the bed to put them on. It is like a knight shoving his hands into a pair of steel gauntlets. As she wiggles the toe for fit, she lets her eyes stray across the slag heap of old LPs.”
“Time is against her, but she takes some of it anyway, carefully selecting Daisy-brand pumps with a blue leather flower on a clear plastic throat, as if the choice is of utmost importance. And it is. The Daisys will be the insurgency she brings off tonight, and every night.”
“It’s a well-known economic phenomenon but tragic to see it in operation, for the more shoe shops there were, the more shoes they had to make and the worse and more unwearable they became. And the worse they were to wear, the more people had to buy to keep themselves shod, and the more shops proliferated, until the whole economy of the place passed what I believe is termed the Shoe Event Horizon, and it became no longer economically possible to build anything other than shoe shops. Result--collapse, ruin and famine.”
“Lust, I suspect, wears repatent stilettos, that feather boa and not much else. Maybe glossy red lipstick.”
“I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes, I love my white shoes.”
“Pete stepped in a large pile of strawberries. What color did it turn his shoes?”
″ Pete stepped in a bucket of water and all the brown, and all the blue, and all the red were washed away.”
″ I love my brown shoes, I love my brown shoes, I love my brown shoes.”
″ I love my wet shoes, I love my wet shoes, I love my wet shoes.”
″ I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes, I love my red shoes.”
″ I love my blue shoes, I love my blue shoes, I love my blue shoes.”
“What color were they again? White but now they were wet.”
“Pete stepped in a large puddle of mud!”
“Pete stepped in a large pie of blueberries.”
“If you like you can go in an old blue show. Just go, go, go, GO! Please do, do, DO!
“Her closet and her drawers contain only Bridget’s things. No big brother shoes and no tiny diapers.”
“The mice kept their half of the bargain and worked quite hard every day. They made sure that the flowers were always fresh and artistically arranged. They polished the congregation’s shoes while they listened to the sermon. If there was a wedding they all went outside to pick up the confetti, and if anyone had thrown rice they picked that up too and made a big rice pudding for supper.”
“She got out of bed to dress for the spell party. She put on her black stockings, her big black shoes, her long black cloak and her tall black hat.”
“Arthur tied the burglar’s bootlaces together. He had to do it himself because Sampson could only tie granny knots. Then Sampson obliged with his party piece. It was supposed to be the Song of the Nightingale but everyone else thought it sounded like a policeman’s whistle. They counted on the burglar thinking so too.”
“When Ramona left the shoe store with her beautiful red boots, girls’ boots, in a box, which she carried herself, she was so filled with joy she set her balloon free just to watch it sail over the parking lot and up, up into the sky until it was a tiny red dot against the gray clouds.”
“Once more he stepped into the street and to his lips again laid his long pipe of smooth straight cane. Before he blew three notes (so sweet and soft, and yet so cunning), there was a rustling that seemed like a bustling of merry crowds justling at pitching and hustling. Small feet were pattering, wooden shoes clattering, little hands clapping and little tongues chattering, and, like fowls on a farm when barley is scattering, out came the children running.”
″ ‘Why, David,’ said [Alan], ‘the innocent have aye a chance to get assoiled in court; but for the lad that shot the bullet, I think the best place for him will be the heather. Them that havenae dipped their hands in any little difficulty, should be very mindful of the case of them that have. And that is the good Christianity. For if it was the other way round about, and the lad whom I couldnae just clearly see had been in our shoes, and we in his (as might very well have been), I think we would be a good deal obliged to him oursel’s if he would draw the soldiers.’ ”
“Little Betty Blue, Lost her holiday shoe. What will poor Betty do? Why, give her another, And then she will walk in two.”
“The captain did not even glance in her direction. Kit was not used to being ignored, and her temper flared. When a thin whimper from the child was silenced by a vicious cuff, her anger boiled over. Without a second’s deliberation she acted. Kicking off her buckled shoes and dropping the woolen cloak, she plunged headlong over the side of the boat.”
″...I think you are going too far in your craze for shoes. Shoes are good things, but we should not make them the sole object of life.”
“The Old Monkey’s uncle is called the Muncle and he’s a very nice person, but seems to live for footwear. Uncle likes him, but thinks he is a bit too fussy about shoes.”
“All the time Midnight was silently pulling on his white stockings and buckling his shoes. Now he straightened up, but continued to act as if she didn’t exist, though she’d been forced to move as he moved. It was humiliating.”
“These shoes are hexed! she thought. I will never again wear them. I am going to give them to my niece, who has a problem with one of her feet. That is precisely what she did.”
“She was very proud of them, not because they were really any better than anybody else’s ballet shoes, but because they had been given her by her mother, and she was the only one with a mother, so it seemed rather grand.”
“Shoe the little horse, Shoe the little mare, but let the little colt go bare, bare, bare.”

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