Five of the best book quotes from the five Stigginses
“The reason for the curl rags was that all the village children had been invited to a grand tea-party at the Squire’s the next day; and Amelia-anne was gloomy because it did not seem as if the five little Stigginses would be able to go.”
“I’m glad you saw, ‘cos I didn’t take a bit more’n what I could easy have ate; and the five of them’s got colds in their heads, and when I left them they were all howlin’ somethink awful, and I couldn’t bear to go home and tell them everything and them not have a bite as you might say.”
“And the five little Stigginses sat up in bed with their eyes nearly starting out of their heads, and Mrs. Stiggins sat bump upon a chair, because she said it gave her quite a turn, when Ameliar-anne took the cover off the basket.”