“A dog party! A big dog party! Big dogs, little dogs, red dogs, blue dogs, yellow dogs, green dogs, black dogs, and white dogs are all at a dog party! ”
“We had an eater, a biter, and a crier. I thought that two-thirty would never come. I also thought my mother was slightly crazy for dreaming up the party in the first place. “Doesn’t Fudge have any normal friends?” I whispered.
“There’s nothing wrong with Fudgie’s friends,” my mother whispered back. “All small children are like that.” ”
“Arthur tied the burglar’s bootlaces together. He had to do it himself because Sampson could only tie granny knots. Then Sampson obliged with his party piece. It was supposed to be the Song of the Nightingale but everyone else thought it sounded like a policeman’s whistle. They counted on the burglar thinking so too.”
“When Pat arrived at the twins’ birthday party, with Sarah-Ann and the chocolates, Katy smiled properly for the first time that day. She hugged Sarah-Ann and Pat and Jess, and said, ‘Thank you’ to them all. It was a lovely party.”
“Everywhere I’d looked I’d seen faces full of smiles and laughter. But then, overnight, the party had ended. Not the Nazi Party. They had only gotten stronger. The other party- the feeling of unbounded German cheerfulness- was gone.”
“The sun was high in the sky when the party came to the grove of towering trees. Their uppermost branches seemed to bow down to Nyasha as she passed beneath them. At last, someone announced that they were near their destination.”
″‘Will you be my mama?’ said the child, ‘and will you sing to me all the time? And can we all stay here together and live in the beautiful house where the party is and not go out into the world?‘”
“The reason for the curl rags was that all the village children had been invited to a grand tea-party at the Squire’s the next day; and Amelia-anne was gloomy because it did not seem as if the five little Stigginses would be able to go.”
“The Tea Party
In the pleasant green Garden
We sat down to tea;
‘Do you take sugar?’ and
‘Do you take milk?’
She’d got a new gown on-
A smart one of silk.
We all were so happy
As happy could be,
On that bright Summer’s day
When she asked us to tea.”