
hungry Quotes

36 of the best book quotes about hungry
All movement is a sign of thirst. Most speaking really says “I am hungry to know you.” Every desire of your body is holy; Every desire of your body is holy. Dear one, Why wait until you are dying To discover that divine Truth?”
“But he was still hungry.”
″ On Tuesday he ate through two pears, but he was still hungry.”
“On Wednesday he ate through three plums, but he was still hungry.”
“My baby will be here! He will want to eat.”
“I have a friend, he thought—I have a friend now. A hungry friend, but a good one. I have a friend named fire.”
“Excuse me, but I’m very hungry. Do you think I could have tea with you?”
“The next day my mother dragged Fudge to Dr. Cone’s office. He told her to leave him alone. That Fudge would eat when he got hungry. I reminded my mother that I’d told her the same thing—and for free. But I guess my mother didn’t believe either one of us because she took Fudge to see three more doctors.”
“But the Earl is hungry! He sneaks off to an ordinary grilled cheese sandwich—and suddenly takes the Duchess’s eye. Maybe there’s something to simplicity after all. Maybe there’s something to the Earl after all . . ”
“Annie Rose was hungry as well as tired. She began to cry. Then Alfie began to cry too. He didn’t like being all by himself on the wrong side of the door.”
“I was always hungry for love. Just once, I wanted to know what it was like to get my fill of it -- to be fed so much love I couldn’t take any more. Just once. ”
“They ate up the few vegetables that were left in their storm-wracked gardens. They ate up the salted pilchards that were left in the cellars. Mowzer hated vegetables and the pilchards were took salty for her taste. Soon there was nothing left. The cats and their people grew very hungry.”
“Let us in, let us in,′ shrieked the wind. ‘We’re very, very hungry.”
“I’m going to fill my hungry empty tummy with something yummy yummy yummy!”
“Perhaps this is also true of places. When you are in a certain place, great love or kindness happens; it imprints itself on the ether of the place. When we pass there, hungry and needy in spirit, that loving imprint shines on us like an icon.”
“After a while Mrs Wolf began to feel empty, so she went into the kitchen. But she didn’t turn on the kettle. No. She turned on the oven. Then she tiptoed up to the piglet’s bedroom.”
“But nobody wanted any caps that morning. Nobody wanted even a red cap. He began to feel very hungry, but he had no money for lunch.”
“Hungry people make poor shoppers.”
“The kitchen table is covered with food—my favorites, potato salad, lemon meringue pie, pork chops. If everyone wasn’t so sad-faced, I’d swear it was a party. I reach for a cornbread square and my hand passes through it. Weird, but it’s okay. I’m not hungry. I guess I’ll never be hungry again.”
“Abel passed Johnny half a sandwich, generously, because Abel was hungry too, but he thought he would have good at home tonight. Johnny might not have any.”
“Why couldn’t they understand she had been hungry: now she wasn’t? Now she wanted to listen to Daddy telling about the blacks.”
“Just as he was looking to see if he had anything left to eat, something hit him on the head. It was a tangerine. He had been sleeping right under a tree full of big, fat tangerines.”
“As the Men got hungrier and hungrier, they also got angrier and angrier; and the Women, on their part, got stubborner and stubborner.”
“The birds took no notice of him. They went on singing, in their thin, hungry voices. It was a long time since they had sung. Now they sang very low, and very sadly.”
“Mariners have often told me that they consider sea gulls to be good luck and always feed them by throwing garbage overboard. I didn’t have any garbage at that early stage of my trip and couldn’t afford to spare any of my precious food for feeding birds so I had to risk misfortune and let the gulls go hungry.”
“Tom knew that he was in the wrong, of course, but they need not have made such a fuss. Aunt Gwen was most upset because, if Tom slipped into the larder at night, that meant he was hungry. She was not feeding him properly.”
“He felt tired and hungry too, so without stopping on the way he ran back home.”
“Jonathan’s mother liked company but sometimes- oh, once in a while- she wished they did not have so much of it. Or that the aunts and uncles and cousins were not quite so hungry.”
“He seemed hungry, so Johnny gave him a piece of maple sugar. On the way home, the bear ate all the maple sugar Johnny had in his pocket.”
“The small creatures could not find enough to eat, but it was not so with Jonathan’s aunts and uncles and cousins.”
“There was hardly anything he didn’t like, and Johnny’s mother got pretty upset when he started looking for things on the kitchen shelves.”
″‘I like you, Ma.’ ‘You and them hounds and all the rest o’ the stock,′ she said. ‘Mighty lovin’ on an empty belly and me with a dish in my hand.′ ‘That’s the way you’re purtiest,’ he said, and grinned.”
“He was thinking that perhaps the voyage would be longer than the little girls expected, so that one day the food would run out; and because he was very fat, he was afraid of being eaten.”
“Because, besides Ameliar-anne, who was the eldest, there were some five other little Stigginses to feed.”
“Ameliar-anne seemed to be terribly hungry, for her plate was nearly always empty...”
“I’m glad you saw, ‘cos I didn’t take a bit more’n what I could easy have ate; and the five of them’s got colds in their heads, and when I left them they were all howlin’ somethink awful, and I couldn’t bear to go home and tell them everything and them not have a bite as you might say.”

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