Book Series

Child's Play Library Books

In order from Errol's Garden to For the Love of Lettuce
Errol's Garden
Twenty-Four Robbers
Tooth Fairy
The Princess and the Dragon
The Cloud
Copy Cat
picture • 32 Pages
Errol's Garden
#46 in Series
Book #46

Errol's Garden

Written by Gillian Hibbs
3 - 6
Reading age
Page count
Feb 1, 2018
Publication date


Errol loves gardening, but he doesn’t have a proper garden. Although his home is full of beautiful plants, he longs for an outdoor space where he can grow things. A chance discovery leads to a solution, but Errol can’t do everything on his own. Luckily, help is near at hand. A heart-warming and inclusive tale about how one small boy’s dream of a garden unites a diverse community in a positive and enriching experience for everyone.

Child's Play Library Series

Published from 1960 - 2023
40 books
201846Errol's GardenGillian Hibbs32
2005BallooniaAudrey Wood32
2004Twenty-Four RobbersAudrey Wood32
2003Tooth FairyAudrey Wood32
2003The Princess and the DragonAudrey Wood6
2010The CloudHannah Cumming32
2010Copy CatMark BirchallMark Birchall32
2011No!Marta Altes32
2011The Lost StarsHannah Cumming32
2013Harold Finds a VoiceCourtney DicmasCourtney Dicmas32
2014The Great Googly MooglyCourtney Dicmas32
2014GrandmaJessica Shepherd32
2013The AcrobatAlborozo32
2013It's Not Yours, It's Mine!Susanna MooresSusanna Moores32
2015The Boy Who Lost His BumbleTrudi EsbergerTrudi Esberger32
2016The Jar of HappinessAilsa BurrowsAilsa Burrows32
2016Cat's ColorsAirlie AndersonAirlie Anderson32
2016Baking with DadAurora Cacciapuoti32
2017Quiet!Kate AlizadehKate Alizadeh32
2017Yokki and the Parno GryRichard O'Neill, Katharine Quarmby, Marieke Nelissen32
2017That's NOT How You Do It!Ariane Hofmann-Maniyar32
2017All About CatsMonika Filipina32
2017My Tail's Not TiredJana Novotny HunterPaula Bowles32
2019Hide and SeekPolly Noakes32
2017RainforestJulia Groves32
2018The Big Red RockJess StockhamJess Stockham32
2019Gently, Bentley!Caragh Buxton32
2019The ThingsPetronela Dostalova36
2020Up and Down MomSummer MaçonSummer Maçon36
2019King Leonard's TeddyPhoebe Swan36
1960Where Did You Go Today?Jenny Duke32
2019Astrid and the Sky CalfRosie Faragher32
2020Max + XamAriane Hofmann-ManiyarAriane Hofmann-Maniyar32
2020Keith Among the PigeonsKatie BrosnanKatie Brosnan32
2020Milo and MontyRoxana De Rond32
2020A New School for CharlieCourtney Dicmas32
2021Bea by the SeaJo Byatt32
2023Cat's SeasonsAirlie AndersonAirlie Anderson32
2023For the Love of LettuceCourtney Dicmas32

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