
basketball Quotes

Seven of the best book quotes about basketball
“He needed overt drama in his life. He was a person for whom the clock was always running out, the game was always tied, and the ball was always in his hands. He’d played the role for so long that he’d become the role.”
″‘What I learned playing basketball at Ole Miss,’ he said, ‘was what not to do: beat up a kid. It’s easy to beat up a kid. The hard thing is to build him up.‘”
“When Sean Tuohy first spotted Michael Oher sitting in the stands in the Briarcrest gym, staring at basketball practice, he saw a boy with nowhere to go but up. The question was how to take him there.”
“My playing days are over, son. My job now is to take care of this family.”
“Hustle dig Grind push Run fast Change pivot Chase pull Aim shoot Work smart Live smarter Play hard Practice harder”
“But, as I got older and started getting game, the name took on a new meaning. And even though I wasn’t into all that jazz, every time I’d score, rebound, or steal a ball, Dad would jump up smiling and screamin’, ‘That’s my boy out there.‘”
“I put the broom down wrap my arms around her and tell her thank you. For loving us, and Dad, and letting us play basketball, and being the best mother in the world.”
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