
burning Quotes

16 of the best book quotes about burning
“Burning is the right way to paint it. You feel yourself getting so hot, day after day. Hotter and hotter. It gets to be too much. Even for stars. At some point they fizzle out or explode. Cease to be. But if you’re looking up at the sky, you don’t see it that way. You think those stars are still there. Some aren’t. Some are already gone. Long gone. I guess, now, so am I.”
“BURN HIM, prompted the fire. The excitement of burning was simmering in her, heating her up for more action.”
“And so the little Rabbit was put into a sack with the old picture-books and a lot of rubbish, and carried out to the end of the garden behind the fowl-house. That was a fine place to make a bonfire, only the gardener was too busy just then to attend to it. He had the potatoes to dig and the green peas to gather, but next morning he promised to come quite early and burn the whole lot.”
“It was the worst hurt he had ever known.”
“Leigh Anne listened to the doctors discuss how bizarrely lucky Sean Junior had been in his collision with the airbag. Then she went back home and relayed the conversation to Michael, who held out his arm. An ugly burn mark ran right down the fearsome length of it. ‘I stopped it,’ he said.”
“Later people would say that the signs had been there all along: that Izzy was a little lunatic, that there had always been something off about the Richardson family, that as soon as they heard the sirens that morning they knew something terrible had happened.”
“The firemen said there were little fires everywhere,” Lexie said. “Multiple points of origin. Possible use of accelerant. Not an accident.”
“I knew that when the tea burned my tongue, it burned Papa’s love into me. ”
“Burn away and burn every burning sorrow that burns you like a burning star and awaken all that you would burn for to burn away every burning scar.”
“But I gave myself again to that fire, threw myself into it, into him, and let myself burn.”
“I have no use for divine patience - My lips are now burning and everywhere. I am running from every corner of this earth and sky Wanting to kiss you.”
“Elizabeth decided to chase the dragon and get Ronald back. She looked everywhere for something to wear, but the only thing she could find that was not burnt was a paper bag. So she put on the paper bag and followed the dragon.”
“Through the charred forest, over hot ash, runs Dog, with a bird clamped in his big, gentle mouth.”
“She was burning…the girl! It was not the shed, it was the girl they were talking about—the little who looked so like a flower was inside that fire!”
“All that will burn in that back room is for burning, but we don’t want that burned, do we? You would save it from the fire?”
″‘Just at the minute I’m watching the toast.’ ‘It makes an interesting smell, doesn’t it?’ said the puppy, sniffing the air. ‘Yes,’ said Teddy Robinson, ‘It makes a lot of smoke too. That’s what makes it so difficult to watch. You can’t see the toast for the smoke.‘”
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