
arms Quotes

23 of the best book quotes about arms
“All of a sudden it was hard for me to talk. I loved the preacher so much. I loved him because he loved Winn-Dixie. I loved him because he was going to forgive Winn-Dixie for being afraid. But most of all, I loved him for putting his arms around Winn-Dixie like that, like he was already trying to keep him safe.”
“Leigh Anne listened to the doctors discuss how bizarrely lucky Sean Junior had been in his collision with the airbag. Then she went back home and relayed the conversation to Michael, who held out his arm. An ugly burn mark ran right down the fearsome length of it. ‘I stopped it,’ he said.”
“I...have a woman in my arms who has suffered greatly and desperately needs to believe once again that she is beautiful.”
“In my arms is a woman who has given me a Skywatcher’s Cloud Chart, a woman who knows all my secrets, a woman who knows just how messed up my mind is, how many pills I’m on, and yet she allows me to hold her anyway. ”
“The thick warmth of his sleepy breath against my ear. If you have to go, I will go with you. My fears forgotten in the golden harbor of his arms. The memories come, and come. She listens, staring into the grain of the stone. We are all there, goddess and mortal and the boy who was both.”
“I have escaped—or have been expelled—from eternity and am back in time. But I step out once more to sing this aria, this confession, this testament without end. My arms open wide, not to embrace you but to embrace the world, the mystery we are caught in.”
″ ‘If you become a little boy and run into a house,’ said the mother bunny, ‘I will become your mother and catch you in my arms and hug you.’ ”
“But Little Bear didn’t say anything, for he had gone to sleep, warm and safe in Big Bears arms.”
“Papa said nothing. But he put his arm around her, and leaned over to rest his chin in her hair. I closed my eyes, suddenly remembering Mama and Papa standing that way, Mama smaller than Sarah, her hair fair against Papa’s shoulder. When I opened my eyes again, it was Sarah standing there. Caleb looked at me and smiled and smiled and smiled until he could smile no more.”
“That is very high, thought Little Nutbrown Hare. I wish I had arms like that.”
“I love you as high as I can reach.”
“Tickles are small and round and they have arms that stretch and stretch and stretch. Extraordinary long arms!”
“He reached out one of his extraordinary long arms, opened the bedroom door, reached down the stairs, opened the kitchen door, reached into the kitchen cupboard, opened the biscuit tin, took out a biscuit, brought it back upstairs, in through the bedroom door and back to Mr Tickle in bed.”
“Inside he could see a classroom. There were children sitting at their desks, and a teacher writing on the blackboard. Mr Tickle waited a minute and then reached in through the window. Mr Tickles extraordinary long arm went right up to the teacher, paused, and then – tickled! The teacher jumped in the air and turned round very quickly to see who was there.”
“At the railway station, the guard was about to wave his flag for the train to leave. As he lifted his arm in the air, Mr Tickle tickled him. And every time he tried to wave his flag, Mr Tickle tickled him until the train was ten minutes late leaving the station and all the passengers were furious.”
“Sitting in his armchair in his small house at the other side of the wood, he laughed and laughed every time he thought about all the people he had tickled. So, if you are in any way ticklish, beware of Mr Tickle and those extraordinary long arms of his. Just think. Perhaps, he’s somewhere about at this very moment while you’re reading this book.”
“There are moments when it is a fine thing to be tall. On this occasion Katy’s long legs and arms served her an excellent turn. Nothing but a Daddy Long Legs ever climbed so fast or so wildly as she did now. In one second she had gained the top of the fence. ”
“I can see the first star peeping out of the sky. I don’t see anything more except a few leaves and the big sky over me. It goes swinging about. The earth is all behind my back. There comes another star! The wind with its kisses makes me feel as if I were up in North Wind’s arms.”
″ ‘Grandmamma, what great arms you have got!’ ‘That is the better to hug thee, my dear’ ‘Grandmama, what great legs you have got!’ ‘That is to run the better, my child’ ‘Grandmamma, what great ears you have got!’ ‘That is to hear the better, my child’ ‘Grandmamma, what great eyes you have got!’ ‘It is to see the better, my child’. ”
“And we the people are so vulnerable. Our bodies are shot with mortality. Our legs are fear and our arms are time.”
“Getting bored is not allowed Sometimes I comb my hair with a fork Sometimes I wear my arm in a sling Sometimes I put a rubber band on the end of my nose”
″‘How old are you?’ asked Susan. ‘All manner of ages,’ replied the scarecrow. ‘My face is one age, and my feet are another, and my arms are the oldest of all.‘”
“The arms fell off in the Monday wash and you can see my vest through the holes in the chest for years and years and years.”

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