“The storm increased. The wind howled against the side of the house. Everyone was in the living room. They sat listlessly huddled together. And, surreptitiously, they watched each other. When Rogers brought in the tea tray, they all jumped.”
″‘I don’t want tea,’ said Clary, with muffled force. ‘I want to find my mother. And then I want to find out who took her in the first place, and I want to kill them.’
‘Unfortunately,’ said Hodge, ‘we’re all out of bitter revenge at the moment, so it’s either tea or nothing.‘”
“Tea was indeed ready, waiting on the round table in the sitting room with a bright fire burning in the cogwheel. How familiar the room seemed, and homely, but, suddenly, somehow strange. ”
“He ate all the supper that was cooking in the saucepans... and all the food in the fridge, and all the packets and tins in the cupboard.. and then he drank all the milk, and all the orange juice, and all Daddy’s beer, and all the water in the tap.”
“Three little pussies,
All in a row,
Ranged on a table,
Two down below.
Five little pussies
Dressed all in silk,
Waiting for sugar,
Waiting for milk.
Dear little pussies,
If you would thrive,
Breakfast at nine o’clock,
Take tea at five.”
“So just as the sun began to smile and chase away the sky’s heavy tears, they all went to bed again to make up for the broken night, and it was:six o’clock and tea time before any of them opened their eyes again.”
“As a people group, Persians are genetically predisposed to like tea. And even though I was only half Persian, I had inherited a full-strength tea-loving gene sequence from my mom.”
“The Tea Party
In the pleasant green Garden
We sat down to tea;
‘Do you take sugar?’ and
‘Do you take milk?’
She’d got a new gown on-
A smart one of silk.
We all were so happy
As happy could be,
On that bright Summer’s day
When she asked us to tea.”