
creating a legacy Quotes

Nine of the best book quotes about creating a legacy
“We all create stories to protect ourselves.”
“What will be the sign that you were here? It’s important that you realize that you have a responsibility to do something with your life. You mustn’t be cavalier with this precious gift you have from above.”
“Begin to see your life as a blueprint that others we need to navigate through their lives.”
“And as far as I can see the world is too old for us to talk about it with our new words -- We will pass just as quietly through life (passing through, passing through) as the 10th century people of this valley only with a little more noise and a few bridges and dams and bombs that wont even last a million years -- The world being just what it is, moving and passing through.”
I may not live to see our glory But I will gladly join the fight And when our children tell our story They’ll tell the story of tonight
Legacy. What is a Legacy? It’s planting seeds in a garden you never get to see.
“Dreams shouldn’t be about what you can buy--they should be about what mark you leave in the world.”
“Stuff comes and stuff goes and the only thing that matters in the end is who you are inside, what you do and what make it leaves in the world.”
“And remember this: What you are lies with you. If you are lazy, and accept your lot, you may live in it. If you are willing to work, you can write your name anywhere you choose, among the only ones who live beyond the grave in this world, the people who write books that help, make exquisite music, carve statues, paint pictures, and work for others.”
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