
early risers Quotes

Six of the best book quotes about early risers
“No one who can rise before dawn three hundred sixty days a year fails to make his family rich.”
“Dear, don’t think of getting out of bed yet. I’ve always suspected that early rising in early life makes one nervous.”
“Every morning, no matter how late he had been up, my father rose at 5:30, went to his study, wrote for a couple of hours, made us all breakfast, read the paper with my mother, and then went back to work for the rest of the morning. Many years passed before I realized that he did this by choice, for a living, and that he was not unemployed or mentally ill.”
“I shall be up before you are awake; I shall be afield before you are up; and I shall have breakfasted before you are afield. In short, I shall astonish you all.”
“Wake-up early. Life is short. What if today is the last night of my life? So enjoy life to the full.”
″ ‘Then, Humphrey,’ replied Edward, laughing, ‘you must tell me some other time, for it is now very late, and I must go to bed, as I have to rise early. I know you have so many projects in your mind that it would take half the night to listen to them.’ ”
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