
too late Quotes

15 of the best book quotes about too late
“It was too late for me to regret what had occurred during the day.”
“We don’t have to kill each other. What do you say? No. I’m sorry , but ... no it’s too late for that. Far too late.”
“Bear it in mind, simpleton! Boys who refuse to study, and turn their backs upon books, schools, and masters, to pass their time in play and amusements, sooner or later come to a bad end... I know it by experience... and I can tell you. A day will come when you will weep as I am weeping now... but then it will be too late!”
“It was only as he fell the last five hundred feet, as he heard the clock strike twelve, that he realized two things. He was falling too fast. And he had missed the flat roof.”
“But one Sunday, during the Harvest Festival service, a terrible thing happened. Sampson, who had suffered a very bad night with the young mice, dropped off during the sermon and dreamt he was back in the days before he was reformed. When he woke up he found he was not dreaming. He was chasing mice all over the church. It took a bit of time to remember about brotherly love, and by that time it was too late.”
“ ‘What’s the matter with Leo?’ asked Leo’s father. ‘Nothing,’ said Leo’s mother. ‘Leo is just a late bloomer.’ ‘Better late than never,’ thought Leo’s father.”
“But the big news stations won’t give the Tap-Out the critical airtime it needs – not until there are images that are as dramatic as wind taking off roofs. And if it takes that long for the Tap-Out to be taken seriously, it will be too late.”
“Even if I turn back and run all the way, I can never get home before Papa! He’s going to take me out of school and make me go down the pits.”
“Soon, it would be dark. ‘Even if I turn back and run all the way, I can never get home before Papa! He’s going to take me out of school and make me go down the pits.‘”
″ ‘Then, Humphrey,’ replied Edward, laughing, ‘you must tell me some other time, for it is now very late, and I must go to bed, as I have to rise early. I know you have so many projects in your mind that it would take half the night to listen to them.’ ”
“They did run as fast as they could, but time ran faster, and before they were half-way to school the town clock struck nine, and all hope was over. This vexed Katy very much; for, though often late, she was always eager to be early.”
“The hour was late. Mr. Bear was tired, Mrs. Bear was tired and Baby Bear was tired...”
″‘If he needs a pet,’ his father said, ‘we’ll get him a dog.’ ‘It’s too late,’ his mother’s voice answered. ‘Mark’s given his heart to Ben.‘”
″‘Emil, Emil! You know perfectly well I can’t afford to get you another suit.’ And once again he remembers- too late- how she works all day to put food on the table and so he can go to school.”
“You gotta make things happen. Make what you want out of your life before it’s too late.”
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